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Lucorian5's Solo Queue Adventures!

Creator: Lucorian5 August 4, 2013 3:49pm
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 12:15am | Report

Zyra was a real ***** in lane and so I was stuck trying to just farm with shadows and harass a little since I learned the hard way that an all-in would be beneficial to her rather than me; I never died to her but I came awfully close the two times I tried to fight her, I did somehow managed to outfarm her despite roaming a lot which was good. Best thing though was my team was very well coordinated and had positive attitudes all throughout so that was really awesome and rare for solo queue.

Also there was a 1-5 Ziggs game before this that I totally "forgot" to screenshot...needless to say I need more practice with him :P, though my team got stomped anyway so it wouldn't have mattered.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 1:31am | Report

We were winning most of the game but Yi randomly got insanely fed off cs and quadra killed us practically by himself twice in a row so we lost.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 10:45pm | Report

Pretty easy game, Kat's score only looks good because she picked up some completely useless kills mid and late game off of clean-up of fights they had already lost, so she was really quite useless despite all of her constant flaming in /all chat. Biggest reason we won by far was Mordekaiser, the highlight of the game was him getting caught out split pushing by four of them and then killing two of them AND escaping back into our team who finished them off for the ace.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 10:48pm | Report
Lucorian5 wrote:

Pretty easy game, Kat's score only looks good because she picked up some completely useless kills mid and late game off of clean-up of fights they had already lost, so she was really quite useless despite all of her constant flaming in /all chat. Biggest reason we won by far was Mordekaiser, the highlight of the game was him getting caught out split pushing by four of them and then killing two of them AND escaping back into our team who finished them off for the ace.

Nice game. Personally I'd have opted for a Hydra rush rather than BotRK as it would've helped you to prevent kat's roam even more, have more sustain and you wouldn't have needed the BotRK active to take out Jinx.

Other than that, seems like a solid game.
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 10:59pm | Report

Nice game. Personally I'd have opted for a Hydra rush rather than BotRK as it would've helped you to prevent kat's roam even more, have more sustain and you wouldn't have needed the BotRK active to take out Jinx.

Other than that, seems like a solid game.

Thanks! And yeah I considered it but by the time I thought of it I'd already bought Cutlass so I just went with the Botrk build path, it worked okay but I think I would've been able to duel Kat even better if I'd bought hydra instead but oh well it worked out in the end.

One question while you're here, how do you deal with the LeBlanc lane as Zed? Do you find it difficult or not really? I've run it twice in ranked and the first time I played passive and managed to survive and outscale her late game but the second time the LB was much more skilled and I ended up dying to her in a 1v1. How should I typically play it though?

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 11:13pm | Report
Lucorian5 wrote:

One question while you're here, how do you deal with the LeBlanc lane as Zed? Do you find it difficult or not really? I've run it twice in ranked and the first time I played passive and managed to survive and outscale her late game but the second time the LB was much more skilled and I ended up dying to her in a 1v1. How should I typically play it though?

It's a very heavy skill matchup that Zed should definitely win in the laning phase when played well. In lane you generally win on poke and wave clear. (Start Shield, unless you're super confident). Generally focus on clearing waves and roaming. Whenever she wants to commit, let her open with W and make sure to use Death Mark before you get Snared/Silenced or, in case she uses Mimic: Sigil of Silence, then use it to dodge that and eliminate most of her burst.

Afterwards check her build path. If she opts for cdr through Athene's or Nomicon then it is wise to continue a normal build path. I'd generally go with Hydra unless you can't do that because their team is mobile. If she goes DFG then you should grab a Hexdrinker or early Spectre's Cowl and then you should be fine.

Late-game either Mercurial Scimitar or Banshee's Veil will do as defensive item. Scimitar only if you're really quick so you can eliminate the Sigil and/or DFG so she's left with little burst.

General tricks are just to avoid abilities with Death Mark and Living Shadow and obviously to deny her as much farm and roaming potential during the laning phase.
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 11:40pm | Report

It's a very heavy skill matchup that Zed should definitely win in the laning phase when played well. In lane you generally win on poke and wave clear. (Start Shield, unless you're super confident). Generally focus on clearing waves and roaming. Whenever she wants to commit, let her open with W and make sure to use Death Mark before you get Snared/Silenced or, in case she uses Mimic: Sigil of Silence, then use it to dodge that and eliminate most of her burst.

Afterwards check her build path. If she opts for cdr through Athene's or Nomicon then it is wise to continue a normal build path. I'd generally go with Hydra unless you can't do that because their team is mobile. If she goes DFG then you should grab a Hexdrinker or early Spectre's Cowl and then you should be fine.

Late-game either Mercurial Scimitar or Banshee's Veil will do as defensive item. Scimitar only if you're really quick so you can eliminate the Sigil and/or DFG so she's left with little burst.

General tricks are just to avoid abilities with Death Mark and Living Shadow and obviously to deny her as much farm and roaming potential during the laning phase.

Alright thanks I'll give this a try, I was playing SUPER defensive and scared both times with a Shield start which is why it maybe didn't go so well the second time, so maybe I'll try playing slightly more aggressive like I normally would and see how that goes.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2014 6:19pm | Report

We were losing badly early game thanks to Darius constantly pushing when I was in no position to counter gank and as such started off 0-5; LeBlanc naturally had a massive target painted on her back and got killed by roams from the enemy support, jungle (obviously), and top. Sometimes two or all three at once. Even so she solo killed Riven twice and so late game she could still insta-melt Riven and Caitlyn with ease, which is a large about of how we turned it around along with Sivir ending up really fed through random kill pickups throughout the game.

I played decently, just sort of did my job and nothing more tbh since there were about 0 ganking opportunities early game for me to take advantage of.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2014 8:52pm | Report

Its funny because I played 10x better this game than I did the Nocturne game but we lost cuz ****ing Teemo. Like the entire ****ing point of playing that champion is to have massive shroom damage but he ****ing builds AD and feeds the living **** out of Nasus geegee. My other three teammates were good as well and we honestly outplayed them up until the last ten minutes where Nasus would just one or two shot all of us.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2014 12:11pm | Report

Lmao this game tho. I went top to counter Zed and we sent Jax mid (which he literally would not stop *****ing about) and then I ended up having a tough time against Zed since Elise walked into a SUPER obvious counter gank despite my pings and gave Zed first blood and double buffs. My team then started crying for me to switch with Jax but I didn't want to since he'd fed Morgana to 2-0 and I just said no ty. My decision paid off though since literally two seconds after Zed's double buffs ran out I all in'd and killed him easy as hell while he qq'd in /all chat about Talon being broken and that I was still "****". Jax died again though and then just came top and refused to leave so I had to mid versus 2-0-1 Morgana with like 25 more cs than me. I just sort of farmed for a while and even though the kills were masively in their favor we ended up turning it around since their Zed was seriously terrible and somehow started feeding an 0-3 Jax with 20 cs less than him, like idk even.

But anyways that win felt super good since it was a huge comeback, but even better was the fact that Zed was a total mouthpiece the entire game right from the first minute; he just wouldn't shut the **** up and everytime him or his team made any sort of play we heard about it from him. After Jax and I killed him a bunch he still continued to talk **** but eventually after we started turning the game around and his team started raging at him he mysteriously went quiet :D. He left instantly in post-game too lol what a little *****. But I guess when your name is "SouljaofSwag" you can't expect much lmao

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!

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