Game #??
DuoQ w/ DisturbedFox
What a lovely game this was. I played like poop yet had better stats than my last few games where I actually played decently.. well most of the kills were silly anyway. First was last hit Q, second was shield damage and then the last one was legitly stolen lal
Garen won top, Lux mid and Jarvan did good in the jungle, we did good in lane too. I got Foxie a level 3 red buff, well not me. Xin just died to us when he was at our golems being a silly, didn't really do anything lul
Was an easy game, I love getting good teammates :3
I thought I needed one game but it turns out I needed 2. I needed 4 points to 100 but after this game we wanted to play another.. long story short we ended up having to dodge so I'm at 93 points atm. Should be one more win now :3
You know why :P I just don't consider myself good
you da best
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
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"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
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Why didn't you get the nikes if you were roaming?
eeh I could have, I wasn't really roaming very much except the top thing and I wasn't paying attention to what I was building either.