Points: 100+ (+35) Wins: 2 Losses: 0
pre-series games
Points: 100+ (+35) Wins: 2 Losses: 0
pre-series games
> Alright so today I was planning on getting through the series and getting gold and stuff. This is yet to happen. Now, before these two games, I played another two but I didn't post them here and so we'll just disregard those two losses. I was at 65 LP today before I started. I didn't play badly in the Lulu game but their jungler messed up our laning phase. I only unnecessarily died around tri bush when I was being greedy, otherwise played safely and so. Sort of. Game game me 27 points.
> Support was taken so I went jungle. Picked Sejuani as she is broken and you can't go wrong w her. Like, as far as I remember I played relatively well. I got our mid a double kill pretty early and he snowballed from there. So yeah he got really fed and the game was over right then and there. Bot did okay but I barely went there because it was always warded ;; I went top quite a few times because Trundle op.
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Points: 100+ (+0) Wins: 2 Losses: 1
series games
Points: 100+ (+0) Wins: 2 Losses: 1
series games
> I don't really remember what exactly happened this game though, so I'm going with this game was a real stomp and we won easily.
> First loss today ;; Our first pick was plat 5 and he first picked Veigar. He was pretty bad though, at least this game. He was 0-0-0 all game till about 20+ minutes when he died. I played okay but Nautilus counter jungled me a lot, he took my red once and, minus the first blue buff, every blue buff. So I was a bit behind. Cho'Gath fed top a lot (was 0-5 at some point) and our bot did get fed a bit, but not enough. To make things sadder the Veigar flamed a lot he entire game and in /ALL chat and every on their team joined in as well.
> This game was pretty sad at first. We were 0-5 in team stats so it really felt like we were gonna lose this one as well. At some point our stats were 4-5 and our Hecarim was on a rampage. So.. yeah. Though to my surprise Hecarim started camping mid and top and they got extremely fed and basically mid won us the game. The Vayne I was laning with was literally the worst Vayne I've ever laned with and possibly the worst ADC. She would literally Tumble into Ezreal and Sona to harass. Not to pop Silver Bolts but to just auto attack for harass ETC. While they were ahead most of the game once Kassadin, Hecarim and Lee Sin were all fed it was easy to win fights and after a few aces and Baron we finished c:
gold peelz
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