Lane was hard, xin survived my ignite cause i died a second before and he leveled up, then yi just stood in any bush(lane or river) waiting for me to just walk around or for me to engage xin. Fortunately i began to ward everything and he didn't show up anymore on top. Shyvana pretty much carried us, she was the only able to splitpush in mid game cause she was the only that could 1v1 that yi, and that bought us time and objectives that made a big comeback. (i went from not killing a minion with my q to oneshot orianna and jinx and yi). That ori didnt even buy zhonya till it was too late.
And then Udyr goes afk after shaco invades his blue and kills him. That for the first 15mins, then he just killed mobs in the jungle, went back in base and kept typing without doing anything at all. After draven died for the third time, he did the same thing as udyr, and said he was not going to win a 4v5 so he could have some good time with his gf and play the next one with no worries. When he came back to do what udyr did, i told him to go back to *cough* keep giving his gf some pleasure*cough*
Do not even question the alistar game. I wanted to quit so hard at champ select cause the enemy team banned him since it was the team i had before someone dodged.
and this is the chat after the 4v5 cause darius afked at lvl 5.
Spoiler: Click to view
The kids tho.
He has his good games and bad games. I don't know what exactly happens when we are togheter since he got gold II by his own atm. Maybe our mixed mmr is just **** idk. But i can tell that when he gets ahead he knows how to use that advantage.
Also, solo game!
Went 4 1 in lane vs zed, then i died too many times to help my teammates cause they were both getting caught or vi just went yolo deep in their map. At least that nasus destroyed wukong and pratically won teamfights alone after i was able to kill kalista and/or zed.
Also, solo game!
Went 4 1 in lane vs zed, then i died too many times to help my teammates cause they were both getting caught or vi just went yolo deep in their map. At least that nasus destroyed wukong and pratically won teamfights alone after i was able to kill kalista and/or zed.
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Another game with the bot lane feeding hard.
I called ss everytime zed just disappeared from mid and was or not seen by a ward while going bot, even when i was back or somewhere else, when i could i even followed and got kills, but for the whole time my bot lane was always forced under turret with less then 50% hp and was gifting kills to both him and vayne(sometimes even evelynn). I could oneshot zed late game but that vayne, eve and olaf were just too much. Well, i guess i'm going back to gold v again.