XeresAce wrote:
And yet she continues to be a permaban and tends to get ridiculously strong every single game she's played
No she's not, the only permabanned champ I see is Rammus with Zed/Fizz, Kha, Gnar, and Lucian being banned fairly often too.
If she was still ridiculously strong, her winrate wouldn't have dropped from 52% to 48% while maintaining the same pick rate. The Trist nerfs were not a slap on the wrist, they hit her pretty hard.
FalseoGod wrote:
Never see him banned or picked, but I've been mostly doing illegal stuff lately at elos where people bam warwick and sona
He is a pretty good top laner - gnar. He's been picked against me when I do ranked teams, and boy does it suck. Especially when your opposing top laner is like diamond 1/master or some BS like that. He dives well, he pokes well, he sustains well enough with just a Doran's Blade, he kites well, and he has enough base damage with Hyper that unless you're playing a broken champion like Maokai, you'll be crying inside
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5 sec or not, she can still melt two people down within the duration.
I feel like twitch gets shat on by trist till lvl 6. Graves is pretty debatable too. Corki and Lucian stomp most lanes anyway. Her midgame isn't piss poor either, sure it's a little less than desirable compared to some other picks but a maxed out Q + i.e is quite sufficient and if she got behind bf sword and shiv is also enough to get her through that phase.
Games really are hard to close out unless you manage to force a 5v5 somehow or you have a heavy catch comp in which case yeah it's pretty easy