her ult got changed so it doesnt cost any mana, before it did cost mana sorta like olafs ult from 100/50/0 if i believe to just 0 at all ranks
also what do you think of mid lane karma? you have her in top and support but shes not in mid lane
also what do you think of mid lane karma? you have her in top and support but shes not in mid lane
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
Vapora Dark wrote:
Randuin's was nerfed because how the hell is an ADC meant to kite if there's a 1 in 4 chance of them getting slowed if they attack enemies? It's good enough without the slow, they shouldn't be punished for having proper mechanics.
There is no RNG element to Randuin's (old) passive. You're slowed when you attack a target with Randuin's Omen every time.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
What do you think about Essence Reaver on marksmen and other champions in general?
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
FalseoGod wrote:
LB will remain playable but has increased in hard matchups and people can actually fight back. Has for randuin's, I don't even.
Also rip Twitch
Twitch was picked for amazing ult that was not nerfed. He only got minor dmg nerf he still out trades all adcs besides Lucian.
Only thing that was real nerf is stealth he more like a jinx or kog.
Cooper112 wrote:
Twitch was picked for amazing ult that was not nerfed. He only got minor dmg nerf he still out trades all adcs besides Lucian.
Only thing that was real nerf is stealth he more like a jinx or kog.
6 second stealth as his most reliable escape is trash, his early damage actually got hit he doesn't outrade as well as you claim. He's always been about the ult but is a lot less safe now in lane and can be sent back to the dark age never to see light again by competent counterplay and junglers.
Twitch is probably pretty screwed to be honest. They nerfed his early game damage really hard, made his escape not an escape and nerfed his core item for early game ( Bilgewater Cutlass). His niche of being the only strong late game ADC who doesn't suck early is likely gone.
I feel like they went really overboard with the nerfs on Twitch considering that the item changes were already going to shift power away from him and that Lucian got away with nothing but a light tap on the wrist. But whatever, this is mostly conjecture.
I feel like they went really overboard with the nerfs on Twitch considering that the item changes were already going to shift power away from him and that Lucian got away with nothing but a light tap on the wrist. But whatever, this is mostly conjecture.
Yeah - the stealth nerf is going to kill him. 6 seconds of vulnerability is just pure misery for any ADC that's getting junped on. Here's where i wish twitch just had his old 60 second long ambush roflmao
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