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I think you can't beat me:
I generally suck with all AP champions (only exception is Sion, but that's just facerolling), when i play ap mid, i'm 80% of games first blood and then i can't stop feeding...
Same goes with ranged carry, only thing i do good is farming, i farm whole game, but when i need to kill someone, then i mess up, position myself badly and get melted in matter of seconds.
I generally suck with all AP champions (only exception is Sion, but that's just facerolling), when i play ap mid, i'm 80% of games first blood and then i can't stop feeding...
Same goes with ranged carry, only thing i do good is farming, i farm whole game, but when i need to kill someone, then i mess up, position myself badly and get melted in matter of seconds.
Thanks to Koksei, The_Nameless_Bard,JhoiJhoi, LaCorpse, JEFFY40HANDS and myself for the signatures! I am also a certified gangster.
Champs whose playstyles I'm having trouble grasping? I'd say Tryndamere. I can usually do alright solo with him, but when I have to start dealing with greater numbers of people I really have trouble fulfilling my "carry" role, especially against any appreciable amount of CC.
As for champs who I have no hope of playing correctly? Blitzcrank. Whenever I pick Blitzcrank my roommate usually starts trolling because I always do terrible with him. I don't know, maybe I've been using a subpar build or something, but...I mean, the best I've ever really done on Blitz is maybe get somewhat ahead in my k/d/a with all the assists I get thanks to Rocket Grab. I mean, as long as my team can carry me I still have fun with him, because he's hilarious to play, but I don't pretend I'll ever do well.
I'll say that I tried Veigar when he was free over the weekend, and I didn't like him. Besides any issues with lasthitting, it really just seems like he needs a moderately okay team around him to work. Specifically one of the matches I remember a Katarina got really fed early (I'm talking 10 kills before laning is over fed), but it wasn't a huge problem in teamfights since I could insta-delete her with my ult, but that somehow still wasn't enough.
As for champs who I have no hope of playing correctly? Blitzcrank. Whenever I pick Blitzcrank my roommate usually starts trolling because I always do terrible with him. I don't know, maybe I've been using a subpar build or something, but...I mean, the best I've ever really done on Blitz is maybe get somewhat ahead in my k/d/a with all the assists I get thanks to Rocket Grab. I mean, as long as my team can carry me I still have fun with him, because he's hilarious to play, but I don't pretend I'll ever do well.
I'll say that I tried Veigar when he was free over the weekend, and I didn't like him. Besides any issues with lasthitting, it really just seems like he needs a moderately okay team around him to work. Specifically one of the matches I remember a Katarina got really fed early (I'm talking 10 kills before laning is over fed), but it wasn't a huge problem in teamfights since I could insta-delete her with my ult, but that somehow still wasn't enough.
LeBlanc - It's like... what button do I push!?! What do I build to win my fights!? How do I kill someone?!
AD carries - How do I not do enough damage? I don't like simply right clicking to victory. I need to press keys!
AD carries - How do I not do enough damage? I don't like simply right clicking to victory. I need to press keys!
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
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*Insert all support champions here*