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I Think I Have Found The Way Out of Bronze

Creator: Williaf July 14, 2013 2:18pm
<Altruistic Artist>
Hogopogo's Forum Avatar
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Sep 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 1:28am | Report
O_O wtf is up with this thread?
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 2:20am | Report
@Kuukai85 yeah probably, it's hilarious what people do when bored.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 2:24am | Report
Mooninites wrote:

Kazega's not anymore guilty than you or arcana for making this an absolute ****ing trainwreck of a thread. He apologized for what he said, you don't need to publicly chastise him. He's trying to get it back on topic about getting out of bronze, and here you come again trying to derail it. I'm just waiting for the rest of your ****ing ****** brigade to come in here and finish the job.


oh and you should probably apologize to williaf for making this thread an absolute carney

1) Says Moonie derailing the thread.

2) Says Moonie derailing the thread without reading what I wrote (or understanding it, whichever he prefers). Nor reading the precedent 7 pages, it seems.

3) Says Moonie derailing the thread without reading/understanding what I wrote and without apologising to williaf.

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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 5:48pm | Report
I thought about it. I seriously thought that this thread might be dead. Not because of my explosion. Not because of all the turmoil that I caused in this thread because my anger got the better of me. But because one person will not let bygones be bygones.

I want this thread to live. I am pretty sure I have add it clear that I don't want to be in the Bronze League. I want to get better and I feel that this is a thread that will help me, OP, and anyone else in a similar situation. So please shut the **** up about the past Sirell, and contribute to the thread.

Now, I have a question about Champion Select.

Normally when I go Jungle or Support. Unless I'm an early pick I look at the teams picks and determine if I should tank or if I should do something else. Am i right for trying to balance the team, or is it better to narrow my picks to be more of a stand out?
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 5:51pm | Report
Play your best jungler, if the team asks for you to tank play your best tanky jungler support I always ask my adc who he would prefer out of the three that I can play.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 5:55pm | Report
Well my best jungles are Vi and Sej. I'm picking up Eve and Udyr (Lol SGU) as well.
But when I support I usually Go Leona on account of i usually get a Bruiser jungle on my team.
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 6:08pm | Report
Ok I personally love Vi jungle and Sejuani used to be my main, Evelynn jungle is something I don't find that good because you don't find many low level (elo) players that can do it right but if you can good for you, Udyr cab get either unstoppably tanky or deal a **** load of damage.

Leona Support is great for aggressive lanes but I wouldn't play her with someone that doesn't like to all in early, farm lanes are especially terrible for her. I would suggest adding Sona or someone like her to your roster for lanes where Leona wouldn't fit.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
Kazega's Forum Avatar
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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 6:30pm | Report
Well I used to Play Janna well but most of the guys I talk to about this issue say that I need to play carry roles to get out of bronze. So I started shying away from supports in general.

Also I can't really add anyone to my roster on account of everyone is already on my roster =\
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 7:25pm | Report
Kazega wrote:

I want this thread to live. I am pretty sure I have add it clear that I don't want to be in the Bronze League. I want to get better and I feel that this is a thread that will help me, OP, and anyone else in a similar situation. So please shut the **** up about the past Sirell, and contribute to the thread.

Stop. Shut up. Listen. Or in this case, read. I have already contributed to the thread and have contributed things that should help you. Maybe you should try reading instead of yakking.

I guess I'll also mention that you still haven't apologised yet. But let bygones be bygones, right?

Kazega wrote:

Now, I have a question about Champion Select.

Normally when I go Jungle or Support. Unless I'm an early pick I look at the teams picks and determine if I should tank or if I should do something else. Am i right for trying to balance the team, or is it better to narrow my picks to be more of a stand out?

Play your best and what you're comfortable with. There's no actual need to fill for the team so long as you play well. If you're going jungle, then just play the jungler you're comfortable with, regardless of whether it's an assassin-type or a tanky-support-type. The same with supports.

It certainly helps to synergise with your team, but it's not the most important thing in the world or whatever.

Also, there are supports who can carry if you must play support. A well-played kill-lane oriented support can always help snowball hard, like Thresh or Leona. And you can always use a cheap gimmick like support Lux, KS your team and then go carry mode instead.

But honestly speaking, there's no 'secret method' out of Bronze other than to play better. Get better mechanics, better decision-making skills, better game knowledge, map awareness, etc etc. Certainly champ select may play a part, but all it comes down to is whether you're any good with who you've picked (or rather, regardless of who you've picked).
Napoleon D
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Jun 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2013 7:50pm | Report
But honestly speaking, there's no 'secret method' out of Bronze other than to play better. Get better mechanics, better decision-making skills, better game knowledge, map awareness, etc etc. Certainly champ select may play a part, but all it comes down to is whether you're any good with who you've picked (or rather, regardless of who you've picked).

Exactly. You can play anything as long as you have perfect mechanics. Look at doublelift he can play a mediocre champion like Urgot in the lcs and still dominate.

There is a reason why Diamonds consistently get to diamond on their smurfs. The reason is it is simply because they understand the game better than bronzes do.

But if you want the secret out of bronze I suggest masturbating, it relaxes your mind and gives you pleasure.
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