Totallynotn00b wrote:
IF shaco is on your team, bound to be incompetent and useless.
IF shaco is on enemy team... time to run and hide.
Couldn't be more true.

Overall, he is VERY high skill cap to be able to play him in anything higher than bronze without feeding. He is devastating in the right hands, until about 2o minutes into the game. He scales pitifully into late game and his teamfights are horrible.
The only thing he can really do is splitpush, and he does that well. SO in the right team comp that plays of that strength he does fine. But in anything short of that, you are going to have a rough time.
Loads of fun once you can play him though. C:
tl;dr He is not competitively viable, but he is a hell of a lot of fun.
Mundo goes where he pleases.
And pleases, where he goes.
Shaco as a low-elo champion is a bad myth.
Shaco sucks ballz if you want to carry yourself out of low-elo. He can't carry to save his life. He has subpar assasination, subpar tanking and somewhat decent 1v1'ing and splitpushing capabilities lategame. If you want to carry yourself out of low-elo use a champ who isn't teamdependant. I myself play elise and master yi on my smurf(yi: cuz cheap and fun, elise: strong and fun) to wreck havoc upon my enemies.
Shaco doesn't begin to do anything until gold badges arrives. At gold and beyond people have warding skills they know how to ward, but as shaco you know how to dodge wards, so you'll be able to nullify the ward pressence the enemy has - furthermore if you snowball a lane, you can bet it'll keep snowballing quite hard since the guy you snowballed most likely isn't an utter ******.
Quote from my guide:"shaco can't do anything like that(oneshotting enemy champs) - he's reliant on his team to pick him up and carry him after he pumped steroids into their bloodstream.
tl;dr, play shaco at low-elo and watch your team throw their feed away to the enemy, play shaco at high-elo watch your team demolish the enemy after getting them fed.
Shaco sucks ballz if you want to carry yourself out of low-elo. He can't carry to save his life. He has subpar assasination, subpar tanking and somewhat decent 1v1'ing and splitpushing capabilities lategame. If you want to carry yourself out of low-elo use a champ who isn't teamdependant. I myself play elise and master yi on my smurf(yi: cuz cheap and fun, elise: strong and fun) to wreck havoc upon my enemies.
Shaco doesn't begin to do anything until gold badges arrives. At gold and beyond people have warding skills they know how to ward, but as shaco you know how to dodge wards, so you'll be able to nullify the ward pressence the enemy has - furthermore if you snowball a lane, you can bet it'll keep snowballing quite hard since the guy you snowballed most likely isn't an utter ******.
Quote from my guide:"shaco can't do anything like that(oneshotting enemy champs) - he's reliant on his team to pick him up and carry him after he pumped steroids into their bloodstream.
tl;dr, play shaco at low-elo and watch your team throw their feed away to the enemy, play shaco at high-elo watch your team demolish the enemy after getting them fed.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Also, yes. Shaco's still a threat once you learn "how" to play him past the early game.
inb4: lasty or throat tells me i'm wrong
inb4: lasty or throat tells me i'm wrong
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
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Thank you jhoijhoi, Keondre, LaCorpse, The_Nameless_Bard, Arcana3, Apfeljack, Hogopogo, eddie199, Xiaowiriamu, and JEFFY40HANDS for the spectacular sigs!