I play alot of supports, feel free to add me in game @Mooninites on NA
My best support is probably Karma but I'm also competent with Soraka, Taric, and Janna. I can play Alistar but not very good and I completely suck with Sona.
You just kind of have to feel out the lane. One major recommendation I have, if you play Karma or Janna, shield before damage comes in, you waste mana shielding after they take damage. Try and do it a split second before they attack, this really defines a good support and a bad support.
As far as laning partners, Taric is good with alot of ranged ad carries. Mf, Tristana, Vayne, and sivir, so he's a good place to start. Soraka is easy to because she has so much sustain with mana and heals.
My best support is probably Karma but I'm also competent with Soraka, Taric, and Janna. I can play Alistar but not very good and I completely suck with Sona.
You just kind of have to feel out the lane. One major recommendation I have, if you play Karma or Janna, shield before damage comes in, you waste mana shielding after they take damage. Try and do it a split second before they attack, this really defines a good support and a bad support.
As far as laning partners, Taric is good with alot of ranged ad carries. Mf, Tristana, Vayne, and sivir, so he's a good place to start. Soraka is easy to because she has so much sustain with mana and heals.
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Luther3000 wrote:
^ How can you suck with Sona? She's virtually the easiest champion to play in the game. :P
TRUST ME! it's easy to suck with sona >.>
One does not simply play a support champ without low cd CC
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Umm... Sona is amazingly easy to play. I also play Janna who is equally easy to play. I really don't care for Soraka at all and don't think she's that strong (MY OPINION). As for Junglers I would roll with Skarner. He's got decent ganks at Lv 4 with Red and once he hits Lv 6...DAT ULT son.
When I play Sona I generally buy three wards right at the start since you know your going bot if your on purple side ward the tri bush next to blue sides tower, the bush at by purple tower and one by drag. I generally max Sona's Q first, followed by her W, and her R whenever it pops up.
You HAVE to know when to ult as Sona so you don't waste it on one individual. Sona can literally force teams to surrender if you know how to play her and zoning out your lane is to easy as Sona.
When I play Sona I generally buy three wards right at the start since you know your going bot if your on purple side ward the tri bush next to blue sides tower, the bush at by purple tower and one by drag. I generally max Sona's Q first, followed by her W, and her R whenever it pops up.
You HAVE to know when to ult as Sona so you don't waste it on one individual. Sona can literally force teams to surrender if you know how to play her and zoning out your lane is to easy as Sona.
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buy wards all the time
u cant have to many wards! whenever your at base buy at least 1-2 wards dont
if you got enaugh money, buy 4 wards or something
by doing taht you will keep your lanes from dyin to stupid ganks.
as a jungler you should gank whenever an enemy lane is overextended
keep your jungle clear as often as possible.
force ganks on good lanes (aka enemy weak escape and your laner good cc and/or dmg)
always think about the lanematchups when ganking. There is no point in ganking a full hp nidalee if your lane is something w/o cc, if you yoruself dont ahve any cc either
as support, the trick is to keep your eyes open. if you see the enemy place a ward, call it. Keep dragon under control, protect your carry, know when to roam (ie when your ad carry is safely farming and you are basically useless bot). Provide pinks for your team or oracles if you got the gold and the teamcomps allow you to stay safe throughout the game.
for jungle and support you need to know what to pick according to your team. ie soraka tristana is not a good lane because tristana needs early pressure to make it through midgame, so youd rather pick taric sona alistar leona...
i think you get the idea
if you have a sejuani top, you might think about picking a jungler that can clear fast and has enaugh dmg to accompany her cc...
always look at the teamcomps and you will find that winning games is alot easier if you got the right champs^^
greez sam