Don't know why loads of people are thinking that Sypher are poor team or something. They did come 3rd at NY and sure they may not of performed that well at Kiev but they were in the "death group" with AAA, M5 & Dignitas. Find it kinda amusing reflecting back on Scarra comment - "Sypher is just the team everyone wants to see who can win against them the quickest".
Edit - Yesss, Alex on Brand!
Edit - Yesss, Alex on Brand!

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Wayne3100 wrote:
^I'm keeping all of this information on the OP the moment it happens mate, so no need to post em in thread :P
EDIT: If you have any of the information for the games I'm missing / missed on the OP, I'd love to see that and fill in all the info :P

Alex has almost thrown the game twice now, third time lucky?

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