Lugignaf wrote:
So, you have an early game stomper, a terrible junger(in the current meta/jungle), A really hard to play support/easy-ish AP carry and a jungler...
I cannot for the life of me figure out which one of these is Cho. :P
Luther3000 wrote:
I cannot for the life of me figure out which one of these is Cho. :P
The last jungler.
Sure he's a good solotop too but, he's a pretty good jungler. I'd put him there too. :P

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So I've devised a fun way for me to decide which champs to buy next. First, we sort the champs by price.
I'm going to start with the 1,350 IP champions that I have yet to buy.
My plan is to purchase one, then play it exclusively in normal games until I get the 1,350 to buy the next. Rinse, wash repeat. I'll do the same when I get to the next price tier.
Which order shall I buy them in mates to have the most fun playing in this way? Provide interesting details, and I'll choose your list and post it here, then follow it. I'll probably post game results and all other kinds of ******** too.