I am a typicalmale scumbag who only likes unfemine anorectic and fake girls. I also do not recognise real woman beauty.
I am a typicalmale scumbag who only likes unfemine anorectic and fake girls. I also do not recognise real woman beauty.
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Nope. Can't carry. Top lane cannot carry...NOPE! Tristana build is too OP! She started with a Sapphire Crystal and I knew we lost already. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Also Jayce jungle. NEVER AGAIN PLEASE! He even went wriggles.
I honestly hate Feral Flare, every jungler I see now is like "NO GANKING EVER, STACKING FERAL FLARE AND LETTING EVERYONE DIE!" Especially in ranked, a Warwick I had said, "no ganks until 6" but never did anything. I wish it wasn't such a selfish item.
+rep is appreciated if I helped you in anyway! :D
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So, I have to forgot about having skins on my new acc on EUW:(