OTGBionicArm wrote:
Cook something and save it for later? Or give it to homeless people. Your call.
I first thought about doing it tomorrow(it is almost 11pm here), but then I realised that my breakfast tomorrow will be better than anyone else's from this site.

Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
come on, you need to add at least a coffee.
But then again, why don't you just take the coffee and forget about the other stuff?
edit: also which professor is evil enough to put is lecture at 8am? Why doesn't he want to sleep too?
But then again, why don't you just take the coffee and forget about the other stuff?
edit: also which professor is evil enough to put is lecture at 8am? Why doesn't he want to sleep too?
also check out my Ryze guide

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
mastrer1000 wrote:
come on, you need to add at least a coffee.
Coffee actually used to be part of my daily routine, but nowadays I only drink coffee either to do homework when I'm really tired or when I have to go to class with very little sleep. Considering I'm going to bed right now, it's unlikely I'll feel the need to drink coffee in the morning, no matter how good it is. :)

Every defeat one lane had to feed at least more than 5 times in a defensive lane or farm lane.
Last game was the worst... Lee got caught level one and made it out but ashe and braum both died. Ashe and Braum then refuse to leash and flame Lee all game. Lee afks until I tell him I'll leash him. They flame each other all game, bot lane goes 1/8 pre 10 minutes, when I'm like the only one who's actively trying to win the game. At one point I was 5/0 after killing GP once and roaming down a few times, but that changed nothing and that was just a slow defeat.
I honestly feel like I haven't been able to play as I wanted to ever since I came back to NA. I haven't experienced one solo queue game where people actually wanted to play as a team, where people actually willingly wanted to get carried when they weren't doing well. Teamplay is nonexistant. I can't place any expectations on teammates to back me up when I'm taking an initiative to do more. Maybe that's just how the metagame is right now or maybe that's just how NA is. At least back in CN people tried playing the game it was meant to be played even though it was a toxic ****fest and rage-center.
The game's literally just a mechanics-fest right now. :/
I found myself not playing a single soloQ ranked game since I started to play ranked teams often. I guess I'll only play once or twice before my decay occurs, then wait until the ranked team builder feature is on, and hopefully next year some promotion series fix will happen. Otherwise I think I'll drift away from soloQ, since it sucks badly.
On a side note, I'm surprised by the lack of warding in platinum and beyond. Both in my personal experience and from friends in diamond, it seems like people don't get how important it is to win the vision game. I end up being over the support in wards per game just by buying the upgraded trinket as soon as I hit level 9.
On a side note, I'm surprised by the lack of warding in platinum and beyond. Both in my personal experience and from friends in diamond, it seems like people don't get how important it is to win the vision game. I end up being over the support in wards per game just by buying the upgraded trinket as soon as I hit level 9.

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