Embracing wrote:
U heard me.
(And I've played Ahri a fair amount BTW she is in fact Riven level stupid thanks to all the automatic targeting on her spells and button mashing you have to do and the fact her Q HITS HARDER ON THE WAY BACK AND WAT AM I DOING WHERE AM I HOW DID I GET A PENTAKILL)
Basically MOBAFire.
Thanks Prism
Special thanks to iPulsefire for the signature!
Jimmydoggga 2.0 wrote:
Challenger Nidalee skin...
More like Challenged Nidalee amirite?
Because she's a ****ing stupid champion?
More like Challenged Nidalee amirite?
Because she's a ****ing stupid champion?
Like Ahri?
Say that again.
Thanks The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
That happens cause they intentionally put you against a higher MMR team in promos. Though Im honestly not sure how well that works out in OCE because you guys have like, not even a fourth of the population of players that NA or EUW do. For all I know it could be grabbing waaay higher ranked people for that purpose.
It isn't by much, normally, but it does happen. I used to check MMR of the players of my games and they are usually higher on the enemy team by like 50-100 (I'm not sure how this is determined, only what OP.GG would tell me)
Plus you normally duo your promos with Nick right? That would change the average MMR for your games anyway, and thus be hard to judge.
Plus you normally duo your promos with Nick right? That would change the average MMR for your games anyway, and thus be hard to judge.
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More like Challenged Nidalee amirite?
Because she's a ****ing stupid champion?
Like Ahri?