Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
...Your team LOST to a 4v5...Scratch that 3v5? (AP Tryn so scary?)
IDK what to say to that...I mean 4v5 it's possible to lose. I've done it, won 4v5....But an AP Tryn troll to boot? IDK how to feel about that.
Yeah it was pretty upsetting. Ashe and I were pretty much dominating our lane against tryn and trist for the most part at the beginning of the game too. It is really mind boggling.
Janitsu wrote:
I just started to hate ALL POLISH PEOPLE.
I choose first Noc, and say I jungle.
Then 4 polish all take someone ad carry or support
Then 1 of them leave, 2 started raging when i said stop feeding and they fed even more, and one just failed all time, tower dived malzahar with kata...
15% Polish for the win! huehue
I have always been curious as to why Katarina does so much damage, and now I know. She throws 10 daggers dealing 80 damage each (assuming you have no AP or AD) in three seconds. She throws about three daggers a second meaning she deals 240 damage, and if she goes all the way that is 800 damage to three seperate targets.
QQ I hate kat so much.
QQ I hate kat so much.
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
Check out my AP/AD TF BuildJEFFY40HANDS wrote:
But then Alistar/Annie/Soraka/Kassadin/Irelia/Vayne/Udyr/Amummu/LeBlanc/Cass/Garen/Maokai/Sejuani/Veigar/Morgana ETC ETC
Interupt her....
Yeah I know, but when the interrupter person runs away....yeah.
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
Check out my AP/AD TF BuildJEFFY40HANDS wrote:
Well then you take it upon yourself to not play with people who can't interupt a Katarina PROBLEM SOLVED?
In my eyes there is only justice
Thank you Xiaowiriamujhoijhoi JEFFY40HANDS JakofSpaydes
How to tank guide (Revamped! 10/13)You need to log in before commenting.
I choose first Noc, and say I jungle.
Then 4 polish all take someone ad carry or support
Then 1 of them leave, 2 started raging when i said stop feeding and they fed even more, and one just failed all time, tower dived malzahar with kata...