QQ, friends wanted to try a new meta revolving around double AP burst bottom lane (Ryze, LeBlanc).
They fed, each 0/4/0 lol, and enemy AD just bought Hexdrinker first item.
I went 1/2/1 Gangplank top against Vlad.
It was 2/15 at the 20 minute mark.
They fed, each 0/4/0 lol, and enemy AD just bought Hexdrinker first item.
I went 1/2/1 Gangplank top against Vlad.
It was 2/15 at the 20 minute mark.
jhoijhoi wrote:
QQ, friends wanted to try a new meta revolving around double AP burst bottom lane (Ryze, LeBlanc).
They fed, each 0/4/0 lol, and enemy AD just bought Hexdrinker first item.
I went 1/2/1 Gangplank top against Vlad.
It was 2/15 at the 20 minute mark.
I wonder who got the blue buffs :o
Much love to The Nameless Bard for this sexy picture<3
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500 cs on TT? Wtf?
Goes to show how long that game was, I mostly picked a lane, pushed it to there tower and there stood Caitlyn with full traps + Alistar. Now when I rethink things, maybe Jax should have been the one pushing.
:o I see Ragnarok on your desktop... >:o
Yepp used to play it, but it got to be way to much grind for my taste.....