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OH MAH GAWD. I'M IN LOVE (Also help plzzz)

Creator: iBradlee September 7, 2011 7:04pm
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 12:31pm | Report
(rune guru here ^_^ )
You'll need 17220IP for 2 standard cheap sets of runes. I can write then out if you want to.
With those you get a big bonus on most champions and you won't be able to play quite a few junglers without them (jungling is quite rune dependent).

I'd waste my money on runes and then buy champions I like when I've reached lvl30.
Champions get better and worse depending on the skill level of you and your enemies.
Sittin' on chimneys, putting fire up my ***.

"I biked 12km in a blizzard today and mice are chewing on my chocolate bars. Life's good."
iBradlee's Forum Avatar
Aug 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 3:34pm | Report
Searz wrote:

(rune guru here ^_^ )
You'll need 17220IP for 2 standard cheap sets of runes.

Searz wrote:

You'll need 17220IP

Searz wrote:



Aw, shieeet. Didn't realize they were THAT expensive altogether.

But, I has question for you, oh mighty master of teh runes.
Couldn't I get by for awhile with a single set of runes? Seeing as my three most played champs (Not including Kass. D:) are AD Carries, the other two being Ashe and Corki. I'd think (then again, I have no knowledge of runes) that all three would use similar runes, thus all being viable with a single rune set...
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 3:38pm | Report
JunSupport wrote:

Ah, smartcasting.

I remember learning to smartcast. Will never go back.


Only a select few spells really don't own using this.
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gabpin's Forum Avatar
Jul 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 4:01pm | Report
dont buy ez buy runes lot of time u get tired of playing champ afte f2p so RUNES FTW !!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 7:21pm | Report
iBradlee wrote:


Aw, shieeet. Didn't realize they were THAT expensive altogether.

But, I has question for you, oh mighty master of teh runes.
Couldn't I get by for awhile with a single set of runes? Seeing as my three most played champs (Not including Kass. D:) are AD Carries, the other two being Ashe and Corki. I'd think (then again, I have no knowledge of runes) that all three would use similar runes, thus all being viable with a single rune set...

The price info he just gave you is for 2 sets. ArPen marks, Armor seals, MR/lv glyphs, HP quints and MagPen marks, MP5 seals, AP/lv glyphs, HP quints which you'll already have then. Yes they are still expensive but, not so much if you think about it.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 8:08pm | Report
Lol I <3 Ez.

Smartcast with him, rape kids starting with 31 ArP, he's extremely mobile, and IMO the best attack animation in the game.


Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 8:13pm | Report

Only a select few spells really don't own using this.

I seriously need to learn how to smart-cast!
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Keels's Forum Avatar
Apr 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 8:39pm | Report

Ezreal is too op. just buy him. He was my first 6300 and again my first 6300 on my smurf o.o

Too Op.... wtf dude ha ha ha ha

1: Buy Annie
2: Save your IP
3: ????
4: Profit

Just found out I wasted my IP buying her at 1350 before she was 450, just like i did with Ryze

Runes are a better investment, really. Ez is plenty viable, but really he's not all that great.
Just buy a fantastic, cheap character like Annie and farm IP. A carry rune page is pretty versatile, and seals and glyphs on it are very cheap.

I don't care about my rep, but you can +rep if you want to.
WaffleWarrior's Forum Avatar
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Jan 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 8:47pm | Report
Keels wrote:

Too Op.... wtf dude ha ha ha ha


EZ 2gud

Thanks for the amazing sigs Brynolf,JEFFY40HANDS, Katoki, and myself
iBradlee's Forum Avatar
Aug 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 10:07pm | Report
Crows foot wrote:

I seriously need to learn how to smart-cast!

Yeah, it's invaluable on champs like Ezreal. Makes your reaction time so much better. It's SUPER easy to learn, too. Took me around 2 games till I was comfortable doing it. Try it out!

Keels wrote:

Too Op.... wtf dude ha ha ha ha

1: Buy Annie
2: Save your IP
3: ????
4: Profit

Just found out I wasted my IP buying her at 1350 before she was 450, just like i did with Ryze

Runes are a better investment, really. Ez is plenty viable, but really he's not all that great.
Just buy a fantastic, cheap character like Annie and farm IP. A carry rune page is pretty versatile, and seals and glyphs on it are very cheap.

Ugh. My God, I'm so sick of these type of responses, so I'm just finally gonna say something.
First, thank you for attempting to help. Now...
This isn't a thread where I asked "Which champion should I buy next????" I've played many champions, thus far (yes, including Annie). I DO NOT want to purchase Annie. If I did, I'd be asking about her, and not Ezreal. But I wasn't. So, please, keep your biased opinions about champions away from my thread. I play this game to have fun (OH MAH GAWD, shocking I know), and try not to take it toooo seriously. It's a ****ing game, afterall. I was merely wondering if purchasing EZ would severely hurt my gameplay. That's it.

Now, feel free to argue about how much better Annie is, overall, IF you wish. Just not in my thread, if that's the route you're gonna take. Thanks.

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