Do you have a positive W/L ratio
I think the reason I am not higher is that I have yet to really learn one champ. I've got almost 80% so I tend to never play more than 5 in a row with one :p
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.
I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
I play my "main"champs in each class..
Top:irelia, trynda.
Mid:Anivia, kassa
jungle: shaco, Singed
Support: irelia, janna
AD: Vayne.. (and then the veery occasional sivir.)
Top:irelia, trynda.
Mid:Anivia, kassa
jungle: shaco, Singed
Support: irelia, janna
AD: Vayne.. (and then the veery occasional sivir.)
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
70-80 possitive. Lookin to hit a hundred :3
The most in depth guide to Twitch around.
Props to wRAthoFVuLK for the beastly sig and putting up with my request XD
Hey, you should help me on acquiring Medieval Twitch!! :D
A hundred isn't hard. Just play more hehe :>
I started with +30 and got down to around -50, just to get +200 after 3k played games... so... but that does not say anything anymore.. this **** ELO System is here, and I have 57 elo (huehuehuehue)
I started with +30 and got down to around -50, just to get +200 after 3k played games... so... but that does not say anything anymore.. this **** ELO System is here, and I have 57 elo (huehuehuehue)
around 800-690 or something right now.
If you jabe bot stonewall008 or ego ignaxio then you're in for a surprise, those guys are like 400+ or something absurd (I think stonewall008 gets carried by his good friends though)
If you jabe bot stonewall008 or ego ignaxio then you're in for a surprise, those guys are like 400+ or something absurd (I think stonewall008 gets carried by his good friends though)
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Lugignaf wrote:
I would be winning a lot more games but... I don't feel like stomping absolutely everyone with Maokai. On the plus side, I'm about 20 over in dominion games. Does that count for anything?
My dominion elo is 1750 lololol.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
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but most of the time I troll in normals anyway:D and I dun ****ing care