Learn to type intelligible sentences please. Co-Op vs AI is a joke, bots don't react to things the way a human player does. They actually have predetermined responses to actions in game. If you play enough I'd assume you could even map those out and react accordingly. I'll be happy to play vs you if you'd like to get some play vs a real person.

so much fun :0
Sona kept going on about how clarity is good and I wanted to punch her though.
EDIT: More bot lane shenanigans

This actually became a 1v3 for me 15 minutes or so into the game, but obviously my opponents weren't very good so it didnt really matter lol. This was on my EUNE acc which is like lvl 14, which makes it a bit less impressive, but w.e.

This was a bit more recent on my main account. The trynda game was hilarious
Don't +rep me im a bad person
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CO_OP vs AI literally teaches you NOTHING beyond what a champions kit does.
so you have a decent conclusion to this?
otherwise, i can conclude your conclusions are worthless to nonexistent, but there is no surprise there.