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Question of the Week: Mercs or Zerks?

Creator: Corwin323 January 30, 2012 8:05pm
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 8:05pm | Report
Hello forum. I've been thinking a lot about a particular topic lately, & I decided to share it with the forum. I'm thinking I might do this every week, given that I have a long, slow-moving weekly class every Monday where I can write these questions out. And who really needs a reason to ask questions, the search for knowledge is unending! My first question is as follows:

Mercs or Zerks?

Many a queue do I see a Xin Zhao build Berserker's Greaves with a Rammus on the enemy team. When I gently explain that Mercuries' Treads may be a superior option in this case, I always get asked, "Why?" Now, of course, there are always these obvious situations, such as being a melee DPS class with an enemy Rammus... But what about other situations?

Is it ever appropriate to build Berserker's on an AS-scaling melee bruiser, such as Xin Zhao, Irelia, Shyvana, Skarner? If so, when? If not, how much CC calls for Mercuries' Treads? Is Ninja Tabi the standard replacement for Mercs' Treads? I think the question can be boiled down even further, to be honest.

I think that the question of Mercs or Zerks can be boiled down to preference of tankiness. Not only that, but necessity of tankiness.
An associated part of this question is definitely how tanky does a melee bruiser have to build in order to be effective? Of course, building damage is always necessary for a tanky DPS, being an attractive target to focus is always a goal, as well as being able to do enough damage to scare off or kill their carry. But how tanky do you need to build, in the average game, to perform your job effectively. (Ie; before dying, or without dying at all?)

This is my question, guys. Let discussion commence. :D
Most Good
Most Good's Forum Avatar
Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 8:10pm | Report
Ninja Tabi.
Rozsud3k's Forum Avatar
Jun 29th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 9:42pm | Report
pfft. Everyone knows that Mobility Boots are the best boots.

I don't even
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 10:27pm | Report
Corwin323 wrote:

Xin Zhao, Irelia, Shyvana, Skarner?

Xin maybe if really pubstomping, Irelia no way, Shyvana no way, and Skarner no way.

Never get Zerks on tanky deeps.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 10:33pm | Report
i think this type of stuff is the stuff you put in your blog, but thats just me
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Crows foot
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Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 11:03pm | Report
Mooninites wrote:

i think this type of stuff is the stuff you put in your blog, but thats just me

Apparently just you. This is an interesting subject on gameplay, might produce a rewarding conversation!

My take on the subject is that Zerks is an early game item which can easily be replaced by zeal. Albeit a bit pricey in comparison, zeal gives more MS, close to as much as and 10% crc. AND it builds into something with more of each. I do think that Ninja Tabi will be what many AD carries will go if the enemy team is not too heavy on cc. Builds out of two common lane-starting-items!

Mercs is still somewhat of a personal favourite. But the remake on Tabi will make it more of an active choice rather than habit and you need to assess your opposition!
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Atarios's Forum Avatar
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Sep 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 11:20pm | Report
Rozsud3k wrote:

pfft. Everyone knows that Mobility Boots are the best boots.

Thanks Jhoi,Xenasis,JEFFY40HANDS for the Sigs ! :D
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 11:23pm | Report
I wouldn't necessarily get them if they had lots of CC. I would get them if they had good cc. I used to disregard Mercury's treads all the time ( but then I took an arrow to the knee ). Then one time I was playing against Nasus in solo top as Olaf. I noticed that late-game most of their damage was going to be AP, so I built Mercury's Treads for magic resist. Then, when Nasus used his Whither on me, I was very surprised to see just how short it had become with +35 tenacity. Never disregarded them since, and I now use them nearly every game on Talon as opposed to Ionian Boots.
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 11:30pm | Report

I wouldn't necessarily get them if they had lots of CC. I would get them if they had good cc. I used to disregard Mercury's treads all the time ( but then I took an arrow to the knee ). Then one time I was playing against Nasus in solo top as Olaf. I noticed that late-game most of their damage was going to be AP, so I built Mercury's Treads for magic resist. Then, when Nasus used his Whither on me, I was very surprised to see just how short it had become with +35 tenacity. Never disregarded them since, and I now use them nearly every game on Talon as opposed to Ionian Boots.

Wither isn't affected by Tenacity.

And back on topic:
If you're an melee dps, you're going jungle or top.
Top it's either against an AP or AD. You want to counterbuild generally, so the choices are almost always Ninja Tabi and Mercury Treads.

Zerker greaves are only good on the champions who focus on full on offense, such as AD carries, and damage focused melee dps's, like Yi or Tryndamere. But even on them, Mercury Treads are a good choice.

Ionian boots are good on AD casters who do damage through abilities. You only want these if you're raping your lane / doing good in it. (similar cs, no problems with enemies)

If you're playing an offtank like Irelia, Xin Zhao, or Olaf, you don't want the attack speed. It helps a lot less compared to buying flat on damage / counterbuilding enemies.
Most importantly, they're melee champions. They are prone to getting kited in teamfights / engagements without tenacity, even if they have gapclosers. That's why you either go Ninja Tabi to make you tankier, or you go Merc Treads to get you tenacity.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2012 11:34pm | Report

Wither isn't affected by Tenacity.

That can't be right... Does it last less time on lower levels?
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