Since whenever I'm playing ADC I'm usually using Sivir, I personally prefer the Phantom Dancer. PD gives a higher crit chance, and by the time I go for even my Zeal I usually already have an Infinity Edge, so the higher crit chance is so worth it.
Tisk tisk, throw out the stats, whichever item costs more is better!
JK... In all seriousness I prefer the Phantom Dancer for most ADCs that need the extra DPS.
Then use Shiv for, I'd say, team fight oriented battles, for when you're sitting behind your team you can use the active power to deal extra damage. Also, in a way, it could be used for lane push with the extra movement speed. Just remember take into account what champion you're playing. Different stats can be better for different champions.
JK... In all seriousness I prefer the Phantom Dancer for most ADCs that need the extra DPS.
Then use Shiv for, I'd say, team fight oriented battles, for when you're sitting behind your team you can use the active power to deal extra damage. Also, in a way, it could be used for lane push with the extra movement speed. Just remember take into account what champion you're playing. Different stats can be better for different champions.
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Shiv if it's all you can afford before a big imminent fight/contest like Baron or if you're snowballing hard and would normally go PD (if you're snowballing on Graves or MF, you'll want a Whisper or even IE or BT after whichever you completed first because of their scaling) since the direct burst is better in those scenarios.
PD is better overall and has the most efficient multiplicative scaling with crit on ADs. And yes, even if you were to go BT into PD, the additional attack speed and crit will largely outscale Shiv in the long run. Certain ADs such as Vayne and Graves (especially Vayne because of her ult/tumble, but Graves as well because of his lower range) can greatly benefit from the unit collision of PD as well.
On a side note, Shiv can be rushed on Ashe and Cait situationally if all you want to do is shove or rice the lane out hard. Especially strong if you run them midlane since you can easily outfarm anyone with how hard you will shove waves and be able to clear wraith camps successively.
PD is better overall and has the most efficient multiplicative scaling with crit on ADs. And yes, even if you were to go BT into PD, the additional attack speed and crit will largely outscale Shiv in the long run. Certain ADs such as Vayne and Graves (especially Vayne because of her ult/tumble, but Graves as well because of his lower range) can greatly benefit from the unit collision of PD as well.
On a side note, Shiv can be rushed on Ashe and Cait situationally if all you want to do is shove or rice the lane out hard. Especially strong if you run them midlane since you can easily outfarm anyone with how hard you will shove waves and be able to clear wraith camps successively.
I just really dislike people buying Avarice Blade for laning phase.
Unless you are ******edly far ahead and have comeplete safety in lane I guess it is an option, but if you buy this item to early you lose a lot of laning phase and early game damage because you opted for crit rather than ad damage.
Also, since you are probably planning on building the shiv early, due to the magic damage being vastly superior earlier, you are making the Avarice Blade a whole lot less cost effective if you don't get to abuse it's passive.
Phantom Dancer > Statikk Shiv, for late game single target damage.
Statikk Shiv > Phantom Dancer, for early game AoE and splitpushing.
Though Statikk Shiv does deal more damage than Phantom Dancer around mid game, it will be out scaled the longer the game goes.
Unless you are ******edly far ahead and have comeplete safety in lane I guess it is an option, but if you buy this item to early you lose a lot of laning phase and early game damage because you opted for crit rather than ad damage.
Also, since you are probably planning on building the shiv early, due to the magic damage being vastly superior earlier, you are making the Avarice Blade a whole lot less cost effective if you don't get to abuse it's passive.
Phantom Dancer > Statikk Shiv, for late game single target damage.
Statikk Shiv > Phantom Dancer, for early game AoE and splitpushing.
Though Statikk Shiv does deal more damage than Phantom Dancer around mid game, it will be out scaled the longer the game goes.
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And pleases, where he goes.
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