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Support Role Tips pls?

Creator: Uuskilu November 14, 2014 9:13pm
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Slappiz's Forum Avatar
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2014 5:37pm | Report

I move my wards often, after the 20 min mark I rarely have a ward at the same place for the full duration. I move them as location of objectives changes. If you're a pushing as a team etc you want to have vision in the hidden areas around your team to prevent enemies from flanking or some sneaky assassin coming up behind your team and take down your ADC/APC.

Preparation warding for objectives is one of the things that I see a lot of supports lacking. If you have good vision control you will see where the enemy puts wards which will make your sweeping A LOT easier and you will be one step ahead in the vision war.

Warding isn't about having 3 wards in the river, it's a busy job keeping vision control and some supports does it better than other.
Blian's Forum Avatar
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Dec 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 12:11am | Report
Well.. my mains are support champs and have been playing them since S2. And I have to say it has gotten a lot worse since then and nowadays I even have to face with disabled accounts of mine bc of rage quits. I just cannot stand dumb players and recently they are all over. And as a support you completely rely on your team.

Warding.. I have no idea since when summoners think it is only supports' job and blame you quite often in the game when any lane is ganked. Seriously?

Helping your adc.. if they go (and stay) deep and die then you s*ck. if we engage a fight and you've done your part but your adc just cannot get the last hit so you take the kills then it is a 'ks'. I hope you can see where I am going with this.

My advice is pick Karma or Morgana as your main and when you see your team does not appreciate your play then just go full AP and roll on your own :)
Uuskilu's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 12:47am | Report

That was exactly what i was looking for :3
I never really realized what was making me lose until now, but this is surely my biggest issue

MungoGeri wrote:
I just want to focus on one of the comments you made. You say that you understand the "basics like warding," but after hundreds of games as support, I realize just how naive I was early on about what good warding looks like. You want to keep up 3 regular wards (with a sightstone), 1 vision ward, and clear out enemy wards as much as possible. It takes some experience and reading guides to see just where the best locations for wards are. You want to maximize your vision of the map around key locations while at the same time make it so that your own wards are not easily found and killed.

Like I said I understand the "basics" of warding, I get the various placements and the objective race and I've read a few guides and even have a dew bookmarks of ward maps but I see what you mean and just like the war on terrorism and the war on drugs the war of vision is also never ending :[

Also it might help if I let you guys know that some supports that i've played are
Braum, Thresh, Lulu, Blitzcrank, Nami, Morgana, and Kayle (How do I like tag the champs or whatever so it links to them and underlines and with orange font and stuff, sorry i'm a noob when it comes to forums)
I enjoyed them all but I think the guide missmaw linked will solve my supporting issues cuz it hit the nail on the head and pointed out specific problems that I run into often
I have also been wondering how non-traditional supports would work, perhaps maybe amumu, rammus, anivia, etc. Basically champs with support-like/zoning/healing/(de)buffing/CC traits & abilities
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic

Also, check out my Soundcloud, I make music..kinda
MungoGeri's Forum Avatar
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Feb 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 4:00am | Report
Uuskilu wrote:
I have also been wondering how non-traditional supports would work, perhaps maybe amumu, rammus, anivia, etc. Basically champs with support-like/zoning/healing/(de)buffing/CC traits & abilities

Rammus would be terrible, because he doesn't have the ability to harass from range, to heal/shield, or to quickly close the gap like Leona. (Yes, he can roll in, but that can be stopped by a lot of support cc abilities if they see it coming).

Amumu could be interesting, but I don't think he'd survive as well as, say, Leona without gear. In fact, he'd be kind of poor man's leona with a gap closer, an aoe stun/root, etc. But without his usual gear, I don't think he'd be very good.

Anivia could work, though. He'd be in the same kind of class as a support Zyra or Morgana. The goal would be to use Anivia's cc abilities while building up damage items to hopefully become a full carry by late game. I've seen some people play Vel'Koz as a support under the same theory. In that case, Vel'Koz has more distant damage and harassment abilities but fewer cc abilities. Anivia's weakness could be a lack of range on his or her spells.
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 4:22am | Report
Actually, Anivia has been getting a lot of play as support in bronze because of the "feared" Anivia Vayne lane. The recent changes where Condemn works on Crystallize has made it a very gimmicky and oddly effective thing. Only issue is that without the farm from mid lane, she kinda scales into nothing. She is very item-reliant in my opinion.

Amumu might work as a pocket pick, I know EDward from Gambit practiced it at one point, although I don't know how well it was since he never had the urge to pick it.

I've tried Rammus support, and I never want to again.

One support that is still somewhat unusual but is actually very effective is Gragas. He has a lot of things going for him that can let him do well in the support role, with good poke, very good CC (his ultimate is a potential game changer), as well as decent mobility and tankiness. Try it out sometime.
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FantasySniper's Forum Avatar
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Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2014 2:03pm | Report
Uuskilu wrote:
Like I said I understand the "basics" of warding, I get the various placements and the objective race and I've read a few guides and even have a dew bookmarks of ward maps but I see what you mean and just like the war on terrorism and the war on drugs the war of vision is also never ending :[

Also it might help if I let you guys know that some supports that i've played are
Braum, Thresh, Lulu, Blitzcrank, Nami, Morgana, and Kayle (How do I like tag the champs or whatever so it links to them and underlines and with orange font and stuff, sorry i'm a noob when it comes to forums)
I enjoyed them all but I think the guide missmaw linked will solve my supporting issues cuz it hit the nail on the head and pointed out specific problems that I run into often
I have also been wondering how non-traditional supports would work, perhaps maybe amumu, rammus, anivia, etc. Basically champs with support-like/zoning/healing/(de)buffing/CC traits & abilities

Put double brackets around the names. Look at the BB-coding guides for more.

"Support-like" most of the time just isn't as good as actually being a support. If you're good enough at the support role to force them to work, you may want to reconsider choosing a more conventional one anyways, since you're skill and experience would end up better applied. A lot of the "off-picks" fall off hard with a support's budget and are worthless past the laning phase without having super-stomped the enemy laners.

That said, I've seen several different options work, but most of them are either APCs or Nautilus.

As for your support line-up, give up on trying to use Kayle. Nami, Janna, or Morgana does everything she can do, but do it better.
Also consider picking a main or certain style of support. It will help your learning progress significantly if you have the same setup every game.
If you want to help me, teach me.
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2014 6:22am | Report
I would say the two things that you need to learn is which support champions suit your style of play and of course communication with your ADC.

Me personally I like to be an agressive style support who fights the bot lane as best I can whilst the ADC farms however there is times where I need the ADC to start putting the final blows to our opponents and they just ignore it so I end up dying or the ADC dies because I couldnt protect them.

So yeah those are my two cents
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
Zylmoc's Forum Avatar
Oct 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2014 9:00am | Report
I have proved to be ignorant of a lot of things on this site. But, one thing I do know for certain is that no matter how bad that carry may be, no matter how infuriating he/she may be, you need him/her to win. It is your job as mother hen to keep them alive and for the most part functional. Your mechanics is probably the biggest thing you need to hone. I for one am terrible with soraka and lulu (more poke based supports) but am very proficient with thresh/leona (more all in supports.) If I can't hone my skills to the degree that my team needs I am a liability. So all I can say is. Practice. Practice. Practice. Obviously supporting is more than just mechanics, warding is also your job, for you are the most optimal. If the enemy can sneak a dragon they have effectively made 2 and a half kills worth in gold, thus you will dig yourself a deeper grave or allow them to catch up and enable them to start winning fights. Not only is objective control important but also the awareness of the enemy team. If I warded on the enemy jungler's blue and exit (just leaving wolf camp) it is pretty safe to assume that he is on the red side and it would be best to warn your top laner, mid, or even your jungler of his whereabouts. With this knowledge dragons and the stealing of buffs are a lot more feasible. Last but not least it is your job to peel for the carries, whether you are a fed poke carry or not you have to accept that your damage is inferior to the likes of your ad/ap carries and they will need your cc in order to pump out enough of it to win fights. For without the support initiation/counterplays will be limited and will most assuredly expose the rest of your team. Good luck in Solo Queue and have a wonderful day.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2014 4:15pm | Report
Blian wrote:
Well.. my mains are support champs and have been playing them since S2. And I have to say it has gotten a lot worse since then and nowadays I even have to face with disabled accounts of mine bc of rage quits. I just cannot stand dumb players and recently they are all over. And as a support you completely rely on your team.

Warding.. I have no idea since when summoners think it is only supports' job and blame you quite often in the game when any lane is ganked. Seriously?

Helping your adc.. if they go (and stay) deep and die then you s*ck. if we engage a fight and you've done your part but your adc just cannot get the last hit so you take the kills then it is a 'ks'. I hope you can see where I am going with this.

My advice is pick Karma or Morgana as your main and when you see your team does not appreciate your play then just go full AP and roll on your own :)

Maybe if you have multiple accounts getting banned you need to reform your behavior. That's generally the idea behind getting your account closed, not the other way around.

You don't completely rely on your team, there are a lot of play-making supports like Thresh, Blitzcrank, Leona, Morgana, etc. Plus there are other supports like Karma and Zyra that can just flat out carry a game. You can carry a game on pretty much every support with a few exceptions. If you're personally unable to then it's probably an indication of your play more than it is the support role.

A lot of junglers build Sightstone, the vast majority of the playerbase do not consider it only the supports job to ward

easily the worst advice given in this entire thread which already has a good amount of bad advice.

Zylmoc wrote:

no matter how bad that carry may be, no matter how infuriating he/she may be, you need him/her to win. It is your job as mother hen to keep them alive and for the most part functional

you want to keep your biggest threat alive, that isn't always your carries. You need prioritize who to keep alive based on what they can do not the label of their role
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Zylmoc's Forum Avatar
Oct 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2014 7:28am | Report
Agreed but almost always it is the adc, the most consistent high damage dealer. If your jayce is 20/0 and your caitlyn isn't, it should be a given that you should change your priorities.
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