+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?
But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
I don't think Evelynn solo top is viable. From my experience(about 200 ranked and 1100 normal games) solo top is 70% of time owned by a Tanky DPS or tank. And because of that Eve is not viable, she won't deal that much damage to prevent him from farming and when you reveal yourself enemy champions just smashes you. Lets take for example Olaf. A capable Olaf can have runes set to armor and defensive masteries. You try to harras him, yet deal low damage. You can't hide, he trows Axe + E. How much time can you take that? She is already punished by squishiness and without ranged harras I can't see how she would work any other way than tower hug.
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
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Not viable at all.
Her whole skillset is that of a roamer and assassin and forcing her to solo top won't work.
-You can't gank quite as good.
-You are not tanky and have barely any tanking power even when you build tanky(Eve's aggro=0).
-You can't compete at top lane when you are going for damage.
-How do you want to place her on a team.
Her whole skillset is that of a roamer and assassin and forcing her to solo top won't work.
-You can't gank quite as good.
-You are not tanky and have barely any tanking power even when you build tanky(Eve's aggro=0).
-You can't compete at top lane when you are going for damage.
-How do you want to place her on a team.
El Psy Congroo.
|You can't spell slaughter without laughter.|
Her spot is either in the Jungle, or Bottom if there isn't a support in the game. Evelynn's biggest threat is the CC she can manage at any point in time so long as no vision is around in terms of wards or Oracles, which could help with feeding burst-y AD champs like Graves or Vayne. Top wouldn't work since Evelynn is not going to do decent damage by herself, not until she has decent items, which you can work towards through assists down at bottom and/or GP10 items.
The sceptics shall be confused! or merged! (translated expression from french to english ftw.)
P.S. As I said, I've tried top twice agaisnt DuffTime and even trought he kicked my ***, I was sttill doing a lot of damage while I simply had wrigles and brutalizer. I was doing a lot more damage than I thought too
P.S. As I said, I've tried top twice agaisnt DuffTime and even trought he kicked my ***, I was sttill doing a lot of damage while I simply had wrigles and brutalizer. I was doing a lot more damage than I thought too
+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?
But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Fox Rage wrote:
P.S. As I said, I've tried top twice agaisnt DuffTime and even trought he kicked my ***, I was sttill doing a lot of damage while I simply had wrigles and brutalizer. I was doing a lot more damage than I thought too
Really, the only way I see it working effectively is if your Jungler is willing to make his prime focus Top lane, and has the damage ability to make it worth while. Eve needs a partner in crime with her kit until she can roam and do damage in the late game.
Good news! 99.9% of my friends main jungler! As soon as one of them gets online i`ll try it out and tell you guys about it.
P.S. Solo top evelynn too strong. Requires nerf.
P.S. Solo top evelynn too strong. Requires nerf.
+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?
But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Fox Rage wrote:
It pains me to agree with you :(
Honestly, if you had a Jungle Olaf or Lee Sin with Red Buff, you could most likely have enough burst and CC to make it work, but you'd have to seriously hold your own and farm effectively up top during off times. I don't want to say it wouldn't work, because it most certainly can. It just won't work by yourself. haha
Diesel wrote:
Honestly, if you had a Jungle Olaf or Lee Sin with Red Buff, you could most likely have enough burst and CC to make it work, but you'd have to seriously hold your own and farm effectively up top during off times. I don't want to say it wouldn't work, because it most certainly can. It just won't work by yourself. haha
Or you can put Olaf top and Lee in the jungle and destroy the world.
El Psy Congroo.
|You can't spell slaughter without laughter.|
Wintermond wrote:
Or you can put Olaf top and Lee in the jungle and destroy the world.
Yeah, but we're trying to embed Evelynn into the LoL world!
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My masteries are 1/21/8, same masteries I use for every single melee dps I play. My runes are 13 armor seal, 13 magic resist glyph, 15 armor pen marks and 4.5% move speed
My item choice would be : Dorans Blade, boots of speed, vamp scepter, wrigles lantern, berzerkers boots, brutalizer, phage, youmuu's ghost blade, frozen mallet, black cleaver, bloodthirsther and sell wriggle's lantern to get a Stark Fervor.
This build turn around Armor penentration, because Ravage reduce a lot of armor, making it even more effective.
Give me your thoughts about this build, and give me some ideas guys! It's a theory crafting thread after all!
My goal is to make solo top Evelynn legit!
P.S. I've tried it twice alreay agaisnt DuffTime solo top. He raped my noob *** both time. Without lube (******** CrC runes on tryndamere).