I think Twitch is one of the best ADCs in the game for soloqueue, especially in lower elos. He qualifies as a late game hypercarry without the weak mid or early game. No other AD carry can make 1v1 picks as well as he can while having amazing team fight presence.
If you play a good Twitch, it's very easy to capitalize on an early advantage in lane and snowball with an early BotRK. You can split-push if the enemy team doesn't have an oracles and your team fight aoe damage is godly when you have an item advantage.
Pretty much the only thing he doesn't have is in-fight mobility like Vayne, Trist, Graves and Ezreal. His damage also suffers if he can't trade with autoattacks because his trade kinda sucks if you don't get 4-5 poison stacks on target.
Vayne is also OP in soloqueue, but her laning phase is arguably harder.
If you play a good Twitch, it's very easy to capitalize on an early advantage in lane and snowball with an early BotRK. You can split-push if the enemy team doesn't have an oracles and your team fight aoe damage is godly when you have an item advantage.
Pretty much the only thing he doesn't have is in-fight mobility like Vayne, Trist, Graves and Ezreal. His damage also suffers if he can't trade with autoattacks because his trade kinda sucks if you don't get 4-5 poison stacks on target.
Vayne is also OP in soloqueue, but her laning phase is arguably harder.
Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
I think assassins really mess up twitch moreso than most other ADCs, given the fact that he has a kinda ****py escape mechanism. With that in mind, i think twitch is a very strong pick if you're pitting yourself against a team that has no means to immediately jump on twitch. I think twitch can do well against bruisers and AP mids with long range spells.
With regards to vayne, something needs to change. She can really outduel any other bot lanes with Blade of the Ruined King + Final Hour. They nerfed the final hour cd, but that won't really do anything (imo). I think they need to nerf BoRK - which i heard is likely to happen
With regards to vayne, something needs to change. She can really outduel any other bot lanes with Blade of the Ruined King + Final Hour. They nerfed the final hour cd, but that won't really do anything (imo). I think they need to nerf BoRK - which i heard is likely to happen
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
i think twitch is perfectly balanced atm since he can easily be focused out in fights and dealt with unless his team entirely focuses on üprotecting him. Its like kog was in season 2 ;) very strong but manageable.
vayne is slightly too strong. Her earlygame needs to be toned down so her mid/lategame get balanced out.
greez sam
vayne is slightly too strong. Her earlygame needs to be toned down so her mid/lategame get balanced out.
greez sam
Vayne's early game is way stronger than it should be. Not the best, but still snowballs too hard if she gets an advantage for someone who's strongest stage of the game is meant to be late-game.
Twitch is also really strong IMO, his ult is insane in team-fights, critting multiple enemies with a single auto-attack. I can't remember who I was, someone squishy no doubt, but I once died to a Twitch ult after it hit me like 4 consecutive times through another person. And I was nowhere near him!
What utopus said about him being messed up really badly by assassins is also true though. As insanely strong I think Twitch is, he's probably my favourite ADC to have on the enemy team when I'm playing Talon. He lacks a quick escape like Ezreal, Tristana or Corki, and also, I believe, even squishier than them, meaning he melts even faster to burst damage, which coupled with his lack of good escape, is what keeps him balanced in my opinion.
Twitch is also really strong IMO, his ult is insane in team-fights, critting multiple enemies with a single auto-attack. I can't remember who I was, someone squishy no doubt, but I once died to a Twitch ult after it hit me like 4 consecutive times through another person. And I was nowhere near him!
What utopus said about him being messed up really badly by assassins is also true though. As insanely strong I think Twitch is, he's probably my favourite ADC to have on the enemy team when I'm playing Talon. He lacks a quick escape like Ezreal, Tristana or Corki, and also, I believe, even squishier than them, meaning he melts even faster to burst damage, which coupled with his lack of good escape, is what keeps him balanced in my opinion.
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and on that day a 3% drop in win rate on average.
Thats because hes high skill cap champ people heard he was good all bronze and silvers start playing him its bound to happen.
Win rate dont mean much ez has 47% win rate omg he needs buff he sucks no because alot people play him so win rate is lower. Same with gragas he is fine and has very low win rate because hes high skill cap.