Luther3000 wrote:
Yeah but for those four seconds anyone standing inside is completely powerless and has no idea what the hell is happening.
I swear enemies can still AA me while they're in the smokescreen and I'm playing Graves. Are enemies that are attacking you revealed?
Vapora Dark wrote:
I swear enemies can still AA me while they're in the smokescreen and I'm playing Graves. Are enemies that are attacking you revealed?
If the enemy in the Smoke Screen is attacked by you, they can see you :3
Vapora Dark wrote:
I swear enemies can still AA me while they're in the smokescreen and I'm playing Graves. Are enemies that are attacking you revealed?
Yes; it states this in the description I'm pretty sure. You can still do stuff like blinding the enemy ADC while you murder his support though.
Luther3000 wrote:
Yes; it states this in the description I'm pretty sure.
.................... oh
graves is very rarely seen in NA and EU but is an INCREDIBLY popular pick in china right now because of how technically skilled their AD carries are
the caliber of ADC in chinese competitive play is vastly different from their western counterparts and they tend to prefer AD carries that are heavily micro-intensive and reward good mechanical play (i.e. Graves, Vayne) instead of champions that rely solely on their base damages and have zero escapes (i.e. Varus, Miss Fortune)
china in particular favors a "roaming kill squad" or what is now known as a "freight train" composition that is extremely effective at diving onto the backline and taking out the backline immediately - Malphite and Hecarim are two of the most contested picks in china, and the popular AD carries are picked to give some kind of counterplay against these champions
if you're playing a champion with no escape and don't have Flash up, a well-timed malphite or hecarim ultimate will mean your team loses. graves and vayne, however, can actually dodge these ults with Quickdraw or Tumble, respectively.
also graves is just mad fun
(happy 2k vapora)
the caliber of ADC in chinese competitive play is vastly different from their western counterparts and they tend to prefer AD carries that are heavily micro-intensive and reward good mechanical play (i.e. Graves, Vayne) instead of champions that rely solely on their base damages and have zero escapes (i.e. Varus, Miss Fortune)
china in particular favors a "roaming kill squad" or what is now known as a "freight train" composition that is extremely effective at diving onto the backline and taking out the backline immediately - Malphite and Hecarim are two of the most contested picks in china, and the popular AD carries are picked to give some kind of counterplay against these champions
if you're playing a champion with no escape and don't have Flash up, a well-timed malphite or hecarim ultimate will mean your team loses. graves and vayne, however, can actually dodge these ults with Quickdraw or Tumble, respectively.
also graves is just mad fun
(happy 2k vapora)
Graves is a very strong adc. He is very viable, especially in the current meta.
Alot of assassin teams that have to get close & personal is where graves excels. Especially with good peel, his kiting mechanics with e are very good.
Don't get BorK on him, not until last game atleast & if you're vsing a tanky team. He needs AD for his nukes.
Doran/longsword health pot x2 > vamp scepter > bf sword > boot > IE > serker > zeal > LW > PD. Luxury items. If you are extremely fed in lane I guess you can go blood thirster.
Graves has small range because he'd be the best ADC if it was any longer.
Alot of assassin teams that have to get close & personal is where graves excels. Especially with good peel, his kiting mechanics with e are very good.
Don't get BorK on him, not until last game atleast & if you're vsing a tanky team. He needs AD for his nukes.
Doran/longsword health pot x2 > vamp scepter > bf sword > boot > IE > serker > zeal > LW > PD. Luxury items. If you are extremely fed in lane I guess you can go blood thirster.
Graves has small range because he'd be the best ADC if it was any longer.
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