What role do you play / main?
I don't get why AAANYONE would want to support in solo-q... it's soooo meeh.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
I generally play Ranged AD when I am with friends, mostly because none of them seem to like carry roles. Lately I have been switching back and forth between Tristana and Ashe.
When I am playing by myself I play whatever the team needs - but usually I can squeeze in my Maokai (treeeeeeeeeeessss) or a Cho for some noms.
I used to play Teemo all day eryday, but I went on a bit of a bad streak and haven't played him since.
When I am playing by myself I play whatever the team needs - but usually I can squeeze in my Maokai (treeeeeeeeeeessss) or a Cho for some noms.
I used to play Teemo all day eryday, but I went on a bit of a bad streak and haven't played him since.
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
Everyone knows how much I love playing support.
(I couldn't vote for 2 options D:)
I am a beast solo top, and learning some mid lane as well.
I voted unorthodox, because it's true, I approach champions and lanes differently. I don't ever think "Top bruiser, good plan." I might take Cho or Tryn or any number of champs top.
(I couldn't vote for 2 options D:)
I am a beast solo top, and learning some mid lane as well.
I voted unorthodox, because it's true, I approach champions and lanes differently. I don't ever think "Top bruiser, good plan." I might take Cho or Tryn or any number of champs top.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I don't get why AAANYONE would want to support in solo-q... it's soooo meeh.
If you friend is the AD ranged then is fun, esspecially when you really are getting used to each other in lane that you and you lane partner react like there is only 1 mind.
If League of Legends is gay, then I am super****.
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
Dypheus wrote:
If you friend is the AD ranged then is fun, esspecially when you really are getting used to each other in lane that you and you lane partner react like there is only 1 mind.
If your friend
Your friend=/=Soloquee.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
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Now that we have the option for polls I think it's time we see who plays what on MOBAFire. Vote in the poll, and make a post describing your role, your favorite champions, and why you play that role/those champions. Gogogo!
I'll start. I generally play whatever the team needs but if I have a preference, I'm typically the ranged AD or the jungler. My favorite champions include Shyvana, Udyr, Kog'Maw, Tristana, and Caitlyn.
I try to play what the team needs, but I am far better at AP mid/top than any other champion type. My favorite ap champs are Vladimir, Karthus, and Ziggs. If I have to jungle I like to play Volibear or fiddlesticks.