Zell wrote:
Since when do you have to be support to do these things?
You definitely don't have to be support to do this. But with no CS to get you are the one with the spare time to get this stuff taken care of.
And I meant all that in a which roll of bot lane is it easier to carry with. Other lanes are definitely better for carrying games.
And I meant this in a 1200 or less ranked scenario, because I assumed thats what the op is. Other rolls aren't willing to spend the gold on wards and place them well at that level very often.
DuffTime wrote:
How to carry games with top lane (More or less);
Win your lane, and convince the enemy jungler he has to stay in the top corner of the map.
Why? If you cause the enemy jungle to baby sit the top lane, you're essentially removing the map control advantage of the opposition even having a jungler, freeing up your other lanes from the threat of ganks while they struggle to keep their solo top strong.
How to win with mid lane (More or less);
Win your lane, and if you can, gank BOT lane. Given your top lane is succesfully drawing the jungle towards the top half of the map (This is a huge problem for TSM right ow because Rainman plays like a little baby) then mid lane with all it's glorious burst and AP can buy mobility boots and head down bot lane and land a few kills, thusly causing Bot lane to win by default.
That's how it works in a perfect world, even if you don't buy mobility boots.
Top lane draws jungler north via aggressive play, mid lane beats their opponent out if they can, and roams, going to crush bot lane, and thusly opening up free dragons.
That's like... The, "Everything went perfect" scenario.
In a world where things don't go as well, it falls on the jungler to make big plays which is much riskier and more luck reliant.
Carrying from the jungle is like a modified version of all of these things at once.
You can either try to be the monkey wrench that ruins the plan by killing the aggressive top laner, you can try to be the buff stealer who robs buffs from the AP or from the enemy jungler so that they can't perform their roles as well, or you can try to set back the bot lane so they never reach their end game carry potential, but a jungler can't do it all on their own. They can devote all their gank time to one lane, or they can spread their efforts out over the map and have a less noticeable (Althought perhaps not less effective) impact.
I feel like I just gained 50 IQ points. XD
Thanks ^_^
Thanks ^_^
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
i have many many players in my friendlist who are 1500-2100.
i tried to analyze how they get damn high.
their most played are MOSTLY "AD carry".
a few's most played are AP carry.
so in general i would say carry.
jungler is fckig depending on the team. i dont know many MAIN-JUNGLER high elo.
but u have to be fcking good@jungling to carry ****, so your win-percentage is high.
i tried to analyze how they get damn high.
their most played are MOSTLY "AD carry".
a few's most played are AP carry.
so in general i would say carry.
jungler is fckig depending on the team. i dont know many MAIN-JUNGLER high elo.
but u have to be fcking good@jungling to carry ****, so your win-percentage is high.
Wickd wrote:
I thought League of legends is a fair game but then a bee came
~Quiet steps extend your senses~
DuffTime wrote:
They should be doing that, Rainman doesn't even hardly follow up on ganks he's sooooooooooooo SO scared.
The trick to being a -truly- successful solo top player is this;
Find a way to win lane on your own.
Force enemy jungle top.
Enable your jungler to ignore top.
If you can do that, it's devastating. That's game winning right there.
TRM plays super passive so he doesn't die.
This enables enemy solo to become strong, and enables enemy jungle to do whatever he wants o:
He's petrified of losing his lane. It's also the thing that brings tsm down. Rainman won't shut his mouth if he gets killed top lane. I mentioned it a few months ago. Rainman was playing teemo and got ganked level 2 by the enemy gp. He wouldn't stop talking about it. Hence the reason tsm has basically been trying to snowball regi. They can't rely on rainman at all to do his job right now. He is so easily pushed off his game. He doesn't listen to regi or oddone at all and thinks he's never in thed wrong...or that's what I see from him.
To answer the op though id say the solos are your highest probability. If mid can win and secure the turret early I feel that is probably the most helpful thing. Anything that can shut down a solo lanes farm. Mid being the shortest lane as well as the most gankable one its deffinitely important to keep it up the longest. The top and side lanes become farm lanes if pushed and the turret destroyed. But killing mid is different or so it seems. Its harder to farm mid after the turret is pushed. I could be wrong though. But winning mid grants a bit more map control to the side with their turret still up. It also makes it easier to prevent early counter jungling and has paths that when warded complete two or three things. Wards at the paths protect baron or dragon wraiths and potentially blue or wolves. Mid has a key role if its played properly imo.
For a jungler to carry, the easist way is to play against idiots and get fed like ****, so that you can win a 2v1 encounter. I'd say Top/Mid can carry best. Bot Lane can still be outfarmed/outtanked(by top) or nuked by mid. E.g. a lost bot lane can still win if the carry keeps on farming while the winning carry goes around in little skirmishes.
koksei wrote:
top, adcarry, ap carry
nothing else.
well even if you'd be the best support in the world you couldn't carry ****ty ad's nor your team.
Same goes for the jungler
Depends on the role the jungler has. If the jungler is a tank/support, then yes, bad carries will lose the game. If the jungler is a snowballer, they can carry the team.
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