Where do you think "high elo" stands?
Thhey also ban Shen Amumu Malphite Blitzcrank Thresh (insert bronze 5 stomper here) and first pick any of those champs even if they are inexperienced with them because they are op.
Im a silver V player and out of those I only ever ban thresh
I also tend to ban kass cause people in my elo don't really know what auto attack harass is and just stay under tower for the entire laning phase because "Kassadin is op"
The most annoying thing I see is people banning malphite and blitz, I mean why?
Malp is so easy to wreck in lane to the point where when he ults in your team he gets destroyed before he can even cast ground slam, not to mention it's easy to just not stay clumped up and avoid getting hit by his ult.
And then there's blitz, I mean dodging is sooo hard right? It's reaaaaaaaaaaaally hard to just pick a tanky initiator with hard cc that actually benefits from getting pulled. yup.
Amumu is an okay ban considering how people don't understand that he's weak as hell early and that taking his blue early or just killing him in the jungle sets him waaaay behind.
People just tend to let him farm up nicely and then he reaches lvl 6 with a SOTAG and screws **** over with his ult :D
And shen has global presence, even a bad shen player can use their ult in a pinch and turn what used to be a favorable situation in to a very unfavorable one (especially useful for people in my elo, they tend to go man mode and dive a lot) so he's an okay ban especaily if your team focuses on snowballing one lane - a shen making every one of your gank attempts futile isn't exactly nice
Sorry if that was rude or something but eh just felt like replying just to test my own knowledge of the game rather than staying on topic

Well I'm a horrible shen and I know that if their liss decides to dive my syndra I should ult her and then taunt liss under tower. That can give a huge advantage to my mid laner so eh, even little things like that can contribute massively to winning a game. Or at least in my opinion :3

XeresAce wrote:
Im a silver V player and out of those I only ever ban thresh
I also tend to ban kass cause people in my elo don't really know what auto attack harass is and just stay under tower for the entire laning phase because "Kassadin is op"
The most annoying thing I see is people banning malphite and blitz, I mean why?
Malp is so easy to wreck in lane to the point where when he ults in your team he gets destroyed before he can even cast ground slam, not to mention it's easy to just not stay clumped up and avoid getting hit by his ult.
And then there's blitz, I mean dodging is sooo hard right? It's reaaaaaaaaaaaally hard to just pick a tanky initiator with hard cc that actually benefits from getting pulled. yup.
Amumu is an okay ban considering how people don't understand that he's weak as hell early and that taking his blue early or just killing him in the jungle sets him waaaay behind.
People just tend to let him farm up nicely and then he reaches lvl 6 with a SOTAG and screws **** over with his ult :D
And shen has global presence, even a bad shen player can use their ult in a pinch and turn what used to be a favorable situation in to a very unfavorable one (especially useful for people in my elo, they tend to go man mode and dive a lot) so he's an okay ban especaily if your team focuses on snowballing one lane - a shen making every one of your gank attempts futile isn't exactly nice
Sorry if that was rude or something but eh just felt like replying just to test my own knowledge of the game rather than staying on topic
Yeah, those are the most common bans. I even tend to ban them myself, not because I think they're OP, but because I recognize that other people think they're OP. And if half your team is already convinced that the game is lost as soon as the picks are made, you're gonna have a bad time.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
- Terry Pratchett

I just don't trust people not to get Blitz hooked unless I'm there to baby sit them :3 I rarely first pick support (which some would say I should do, but oh well) so most often I wind up banning him for that. Although I hate Ezreal+Blitz. I like Zyra or Nami against a Blitz for the trades and CCing the ADC if mine gets hooked (also poke), but smart Ezreals save their E to react to my skill-shot CC. Similarly, I don't trust people to respond appropriately to the threat of a Malphite ult, although I like leaving him open for the wombo combos with my Ori.
XeresAce wrote:
Amumu is an okay ban considering how people don't understand that he's weak as hell early and that taking his blue early or just killing him in the jungle sets him waaaay behind.
You're underestimating Amumu.
Also the reason he's banned at low elo and not at high elo is because people ALWAYS group up at Bronze/Silver/Gold and you ALWAYS get 4 or 5 man ults and insta-win teamfights. In Plat/Diamond unless the other team ****s up super hard you get 2-3 on average, and 90% of the time you don't even get to snare the ADC unless you Flash for it.
tehAsian wrote:
Also the reason he's banned at low elo and not at high elo is because people ALWAYS group up at Bronze/Silver/Gold and you ALWAYS get 4 or 5 man ults and insta-win teamfights. In Plat/Diamond unless the other team ****s up super hard you get 2-3 on average, and 90% of the time you don't even get to snare the ADC unless you Flash for it.
That was something I found pretty interesting to experience the contrast of in the inhouse the other week. In my normals it's pretty easy to find 4-5 man Ori ults, so I'm used to holding out for those, but in the inhouse those opportunities rarely arose and when they did were altogether smaller windows of opportunity. Often the best ults in the inhouses are the ones which pull in the enemy ADC and push away their frontline or disrupt the assassins trying to get onto the backline. It was really interesting to have to adapt to the different nature of the game. I'm still very much in the process of that adapting.
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more like "have skills that you actually have to think about when playing against them" lawl