Proxava wrote:
seeing my friends actually caring how their champ looks like, wtf, but still the game is not very well optimised, even starting up the launcher needs quite some power in my laptop?
This depends entirely on the person. Some people may like playing a specific champion and thus they may like said skins of that champion. In a way you can't really say anything about it because you're not the one to choose who likes what. Starting up the launcher takes power because League of Legends is not a small game like most mobile games, it's a pretty big game taking quite a good computer to play, much like with e.g. World of Warcraft. If you're playing on a toaster, the experience will definitely not be the same.
Proxava wrote:
I tried to reserach via google some thoughts on this, but there are almost no entries with complaints like mine, instead I find entries about partnership matchmaking (??), perhaps Riot invested quite some money into removing these complaints from the internet and replacing them with partnership stuff? If you have any reference for my complaint, feel free to let me know.
What does this even mean? lmao
Proxava wrote:
Question 1: About 80% of my games are completely unfair, in the sense that one team is much stronger than the other, most of the time resulting in a resign of the inferior team. I think my winrate is pretty much 50%, so sometimes I am part of the inferior team, and sometimes of the superior team. My question here is, why is there such a big gap of skill in the majority of the games? There are always these fancy mastery level ten million Diana players that rape the whole opponent, and the opponent consists out of level 30 noobs (which I am myself too).
If you're playing Normal games e.g. ones that aren't Ranked, people will always duo queue with their friends. Said friends may be a higher rank than some of the other people in the game, which is the entire reason it's called duo queue. Level doesn't mean anything in this game. If you're level 30 and someone is level 200, it doesn't mean anything in terms of skill, they can play worse than you despite being high level, all level shows is that you've played a lot of games, nothing else. Same thing goes with mastery level as well, doesn't mean anything. A 100 million mastery level Diana can completely feed and go 0/10, the same as a diana with 10k mastery points, all it shows is that you play the champion a lot.
Proxava wrote:
Question 2: Why am I put as a level 30 noob with level 200+ players that have mastery ten millions on their champ? I am not new to mobas, have been playing others like Heroes of the Storm on diamond level, but diamond there is barely iron 2 in lol, right? I have the feeling that the matchmaking supports people that play their single champ over and over again, in contrast to people that like to try out different champs, like me. If you played one champ quite well, the matchmaking doesn't realise, when you play a new champ. So for instance today I played Volibear for my first time, and I quite liked him, but the enemy just crushed my team on every lane, and hence also me at some point.
Again like I stated in your previous argument, level and mastery level means nothing except the fact that the said player has played a lot of games in total and a lot of games with a certain champ, still doesn't mean they are good. Skill is purely determined by your league rank e.g. platinum, diamond, master, grandmaster, challenger. The reason you're put as a level 30 with players level 200+ is because of duo queue. Another player likely the same level as you (level 30) is playing with someone else, could be their friends or anyone else which they want to play with, therefore since they are playing together or otherwise "duo queueing", you'll end up facing them, likewise can happen on your team.
Let's make a hypothetical situation, what if you, a level 30 player wanted to play a normal draft game with one of your friends that is a level 300+ 50 million mastery points on Olaf. Would that be considered unfair for your team since your team now apparently has a better player? Or do you just want to have a fun game with one of your friends?
Diamond in Heroes of the Storm I would say is easily somewhere in between Silver-Gold here, it's not that hard if you truly want to improve at the game. And you're completely wrong here actually. Matchmaking doesn't support people that play only one champ, matchmaking supports how many times you can consistently win games, at least more times than the games you lose. You also shouldn't be worrying about matchmaking in normal games since it doesn't matter, once you play Ranked, it'll start to matter since you'll face opponents that are around the same skill level as you. You can reach the top playing only 1 champ, you can reach the top playing 50 champs, there's no difference and infact, multiple people have done both things. There is currently one of the best midlaners, Showmaker, who has reached the highest rank in the game playing every champion in the game only 1 time, and reached the top rank.
You playing Volibear is great, if you like him I do encourage you to continue playing him. But blaming matchmaking because the enemy team crushed yours is not correct since League of Legends is still a teamgame and will always be a teamgame, you can't 1v5 a game alone like in Counter Strike or Valorant, that's not how it works.
Proxava wrote:
Question 3: I sometimes play with my friend, that is quite the same skill level as me, we both are not very good. I have a bit better feeling about the mechanics of moba, whereas my friend knows the champs better. I have the feeling that playing with a friend is much worse, if you don't work together extremely well, as we do. We just play our game and sometimes gank together, but not much more interaction. But perhaps the matchmaker thinks, put these two noobs vs two super-amazing pro gaming kiddies, to make it 'fair'. Why does the matchmaking not recognise that we are noobs, and the others are good?
This is roughly the same argument as well. If you want to play with a friend, say you're both at the same skill level. You're likely going to face other opponents that are also playing with their friends (especially in normal games here), therefore it doesn't really matter if the enemies are better or if your team is better here because at the end of the day, you're all playing with friends trying to have fun, right? Isn't that the point? Keep in mind as well that in normal games and flex games, people can duo queue with up to 5 players, meaning people can play with 5 friends. This is not the same in Solo/Duo since here you can either play solo, or duo with 1 friend of yours.
The matchmaking never puts you against better opponents unless you're smurfing with a very high winrate, aka you're playing on an account that is of a lower elo but you're already at a high elo ranking and have better skill to begin with (say e.g. diamond+), what you're saying is simply not how the matchmaking system works I'm afraid.
Proxava wrote:
Question 4: In ranked play there is the Solo/Duo mode. However wouldn't it be more fair to make a pure Solo mode? Bad players can be carried by a good smurf friend to a desired rank. Perhaps there are even pros that you can buy for cash to boost you. I am playing in mid bronze, and the skill level is for my taste so incredibly variable. Sometimes I crush my opponent on my lane, and then sometimes I get crushed 0/10 by some pro player, that can never be a bronze player.
There is a very specific reason why it's called "Solo/Duo" to begin with. Not everyone likes playing ranked games alone, therefore they would like to queue up for a ranked game with one of their friends, granted they can only play with 1 friend, hence the term "duo". It also doesn't matter if bad players are "getting carried by a good smurf friend" because elo boosting exists which is basically paying for someone to play on your account to your desired rank, the point doesn't matter and in most cases when people are playing duo queue, they're still just trying to have some fun.
As of this preseason, Riot has already introduced a new feature making it so that you can no longer play duo quue if you're Master tier or above (grandmastet / challenger). You can only play solo in these ranks since they are considered to be one of the highest ranks in the game.
You're indeed right here that sometimes you crush your opponent in lane and sometimes lose. That's the harsh reality, you will never win every game in league, that's virtually impossible at your current skill level. If you care about improving and want to get better at the game, your main objective is to try and beat said player that you're losing against, every person you face that absolutely crushes you, think about how they managed to win against you and how you can improve so that maybe next time, you won't lose lane as easily. Like said, this game isn't as easy as just always winning lane with barely any effort, not how it works.
Proxava wrote:
Bonus question: How do I find the champ that suits me best (without paying money)?
I'm sorry but I don't get what you mean here. You don't have to pay any real money to play any champion in this game. There's 2 different virtual currencies in League of Legends, one called "Blue Essence" and one called "Riot Points". The difference here is that you use blue essence to buy champions and you get said blue essence by just playing the game and levelling your account. You're currently level 30, you haven't explored any of the levels yet. Most people playing this game has already reached a level of 1500 (granted they play almost every day) and get a ton of blue essence just by playing the game and being free to play (since this is a free to play game). Riot points is the currency you can buy with real money, though the only things they serve is to buy cosmetics such as skins for your desired champion that you like. Just because you're buying a skin for a champ, doesn't mean you're going to automatically become a better player with a skin. Skins does absolutely nothing apart from changing how the champ and their abilities look. Infact, the 2 best current players in the world (Faker and Dopa), has never used any skins, ever.
I would recommend you to just play champions until you find the one you like. There are 5 roles in the game so first of all you can find a role that you enjoy to play in and then find champions within the role that you might like. There is always a changing free rotation of 15 champions every week that you can play in normal games without spending any blue essence, mainly to test out champions.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Thank you very much for your really detailed answer, I appreciate it. I have still however some concerns:
It is not fun to defeat the enemy within 5 minutes, and it is also not fun to be defeated within 5 minutes. Hence we seek to have a balanced game, even in the casual mode. Here also your comment
is really strange. You completely forget that fun cannot happen in an unfair game. For example I just played a ranked game, where we had an Irelia that dominated the whole enemy. I didn't do anything in particular, I died a lot and in the end we won the game quite fast (<25min). Most likely the Irela was a smurf, and all the rest were bronze players like me. So one single player makes the game garbage for all the rest, because it clearly was an unfair match. So the answer to your question, if this Olaf player makes the game unfair, depends on how the teams look like, i.e. if the other team also have a similar player or not.
You are claiming, that 1vs5 doesn't work, but realiy shows it does. In 80% of the games I played so far one single player kills all the enemy and wins the game, early on already. Most of the games I play last less than 25min. I don't expect that I will ever be able to 1vs5, because I am garbage. But I at least expect to not get matchmaked with these super pro kiddies, that don't have a life and only play computer games the whole day. Why does the matchmaker not put noobs with noobs, garbage with garbage and popo kiddies with popo kiddies? Why does it randomly mix together 5 garbage people vs 3 garbage, 1 noob and 1 popo kiddie? It does not make sense at all! I don't see how to develop any skills for any champ, when crushed all the time I try out a new hero. Obviously vs bots there is simply not enough counterplay to learn anything. But vs popo kiddies there is simply no space to do mistakes, so what you do is, make one mistake, then be behind the whole game and wait to die. At the end it turns out.
This is a joke, right? What do you mean here? Sometimes I play top or mid lane and I just get stomped 0/10. Enemy hit every single creep. In Bronze. Imagine. Bronze. Bronze hits every fking creep? Come on, there should be space to do mistakes in Bronze. I definetely get matchmaked vs opponents that are quite a bit stronger than me. Usually I am dominated on my lane, but at the end of the day I get carried by the rest of the team. I guess you didn't mean this statement seriously.
I don't get your point here. You just say: it doesn't matter that some poeple pay to get boosted, because it is all about fun and not about boosting. But in this highly competitive game, the fun is all around these situations were all the players are engaged in some very dynamic teamfight. But this situations can only be created in even matchups, since otherwise one or two players just rape the little sheep. Now if some noobies with money buy a boosting popo kiddy, then the game gets destroyed for the other 8 people in the lobby. Sad to hear that you accept this boosting-business.
Great to hear that the pros actually enjoy more fair matchmaking. I don't see why one can't introduce this too for us noobs. The people that want to go duo, still can go flex, right? What's the deal?
The bonus question maybe led to a confusion. I want to find out, without investing blue essence or money into lol, which champ suits me best. Great would be some online tool were you answer some personality questions and at the end it gives you the champ that suits your personaility the best. For example I like to have rather a calm game where the enemy cannot stop me from farming the lane or the camps. I.e. somebody that is not squishy and somebody that doesn't get kited around. Master Yi was really good for me, before the big nerf. I could farm the camps, without worrying too much about the opponent jungler invading.
I invite you to provide me with (high-quality) links to places where it is explained, why I need to suffer so much from unfair matchmaking. Perhaps it is all just a money-making idea from Riot?
This depends entirely on the person. Some people may like playing a specific champion and thus they may like said skins of that champion. In a way you can't really say anything about it because you're not the one to choose who likes what. Starting up the launcher takes power because League of Legends is not a small game like most mobile games, it's a pretty big game taking quite a good computer to play, much like with e.g. World of Warcraft. If you're playing on a toaster, the experience will definitely not be the same.
My point here is just that if Riot really makes (2 bio?/year) so much money, why they don't improve the game a bit performance wise. Or why they don't make some design changes, this game seems like ten years old with the current design. Probably lol is just an old money-making cow, that will be replaced at some point.
So to boil down my main concern: Why do I have in my ranked games these really good people? I don't like this, and this destroys all the fun of the game. Also overall I have the feeling, that Bronze is not Bronze. Bronze should be garbage, I mean its Bronze. And then everybody is so freeking good. Kills every creep and hits me early on heavy. I don't understand, why there is no space to make mistakes for me? I even get counter picked, if I need to pick first. What is this? In Bronze? I understand if this happens in Plat or Diamond. But in Bronze, the people are so good? Sometimes there is this Twitch or Pyke that are so easy to kill, they feel like Bronze. I don't want to insult them, because I am doing the same mistakes, and most of the time, I am the feeder. So why the hell, is Bronze so unfair?
Could you perhaps provide me with a distribution? Where are most players? How high is the percentage of smurfers? How high is the chance, of playing a completely even game (I think less than 10%)?
Let's make a hypothetical situation, what if you, a level 30 player wanted to play a normal draft game with one of your friends that is a level 300+ 50 million mastery points on Olaf. Would that be considered unfair for your team since your team now apparently has a better player? Or do you just want to have a fun game with one of your friends?
You're likely going to face other opponents that are also playing with their friends (especially in normal games here), therefore it doesn't really matter if the enemies are better or if your team is better here because at the end of the day, you're all playing with friends trying to have fun, right? Isn't that the point?
is really strange. You completely forget that fun cannot happen in an unfair game. For example I just played a ranked game, where we had an Irelia that dominated the whole enemy. I didn't do anything in particular, I died a lot and in the end we won the game quite fast (<25min). Most likely the Irela was a smurf, and all the rest were bronze players like me. So one single player makes the game garbage for all the rest, because it clearly was an unfair match. So the answer to your question, if this Olaf player makes the game unfair, depends on how the teams look like, i.e. if the other team also have a similar player or not.
You playing Volibear is great, if you like him I do encourage you to continue playing him. But blaming matchmaking because the enemy team crushed yours is not correct since League of Legends is still a teamgame and will always be a teamgame, you can't 1v5 a game alone like in Counter Strike or Valorant, that's not how it works.
You are claiming, that 1vs5 doesn't work, but realiy shows it does. In 80% of the games I played so far one single player kills all the enemy and wins the game, early on already. Most of the games I play last less than 25min. I don't expect that I will ever be able to 1vs5, because I am garbage. But I at least expect to not get matchmaked with these super pro kiddies, that don't have a life and only play computer games the whole day. Why does the matchmaker not put noobs with noobs, garbage with garbage and popo kiddies with popo kiddies? Why does it randomly mix together 5 garbage people vs 3 garbage, 1 noob and 1 popo kiddie? It does not make sense at all! I don't see how to develop any skills for any champ, when crushed all the time I try out a new hero. Obviously vs bots there is simply not enough counterplay to learn anything. But vs popo kiddies there is simply no space to do mistakes, so what you do is, make one mistake, then be behind the whole game and wait to die. At the end it turns out.
The matchmaking never puts you against better opponents unless you're smurfing with a very high winrate
This is a joke, right? What do you mean here? Sometimes I play top or mid lane and I just get stomped 0/10. Enemy hit every single creep. In Bronze. Imagine. Bronze. Bronze hits every fking creep? Come on, there should be space to do mistakes in Bronze. I definetely get matchmaked vs opponents that are quite a bit stronger than me. Usually I am dominated on my lane, but at the end of the day I get carried by the rest of the team. I guess you didn't mean this statement seriously.
It also doesn't matter if bad players are "getting carried by a good smurf friend" because elo boosting exists which is basically paying for someone to play on your account to your desired rank, the point doesn't matter and in most cases when people are playing duo queue, they're still just trying to have some fun.
As of this preseason, Riot has already introduced a new feature making it so that you can no longer play duo quue if you're Master tier or above (grandmastet / challenger). You can only play solo in these ranks since they are considered to be one of the highest ranks in the game.
Great to hear that the pros actually enjoy more fair matchmaking. I don't see why one can't introduce this too for us noobs. The people that want to go duo, still can go flex, right? What's the deal?
The bonus question maybe led to a confusion. I want to find out, without investing blue essence or money into lol, which champ suits me best. Great would be some online tool were you answer some personality questions and at the end it gives you the champ that suits your personaility the best. For example I like to have rather a calm game where the enemy cannot stop me from farming the lane or the camps. I.e. somebody that is not squishy and somebody that doesn't get kited around. Master Yi was really good for me, before the big nerf. I could farm the camps, without worrying too much about the opponent jungler invading.
What does this even mean? lmao
I invite you to provide me with (high-quality) links to places where it is explained, why I need to suffer so much from unfair matchmaking. Perhaps it is all just a money-making idea from Riot?
This depends entirely on the person. Some people may like playing a specific champion and thus they may like said skins of that champion. In a way you can't really say anything about it because you're not the one to choose who likes what. Starting up the launcher takes power because League of Legends is not a small game like most mobile games, it's a pretty big game taking quite a good computer to play, much like with e.g. World of Warcraft. If you're playing on a toaster, the experience will definitely not be the same.
My point here is just that if Riot really makes (2 bio?/year) so much money, why they don't improve the game a bit performance wise. Or why they don't make some design changes, this game seems like ten years old with the current design. Probably lol is just an old money-making cow, that will be replaced at some point.
So to boil down my main concern: Why do I have in my ranked games these really good people? I don't like this, and this destroys all the fun of the game. Also overall I have the feeling, that Bronze is not Bronze. Bronze should be garbage, I mean its Bronze. And then everybody is so freeking good. Kills every creep and hits me early on heavy. I don't understand, why there is no space to make mistakes for me? I even get counter picked, if I need to pick first. What is this? In Bronze? I understand if this happens in Plat or Diamond. But in Bronze, the people are so good? Sometimes there is this Twitch or Pyke that are so easy to kill, they feel like Bronze. I don't want to insult them, because I am doing the same mistakes, and most of the time, I am the feeder. So why the hell, is Bronze so unfair?
Could you perhaps provide me with a distribution? Where are most players? How high is the percentage of smurfers? How high is the chance, of playing a completely even game (I think less than 10%)?
I can explain EXACTLY why matchmaking AND champion balance are terrible
Riot's theory on matchmaking is that an ideal matchmaking system should work hardest to keep you at 50% winrate, not necessarily placing you with and against evenly skilled players, which means they artificially weigh games against or FOR you based on whatever internal statistics they use to give you an increased chance of loss / win ( yes.... you go on a winning streak and the system works to make you lose ).
Secondly, this adds a secondary problem .... champion balance .... and champion winrate we all know plays some amount in their metric for when a champion needs buffs / nerfs. Here is the funny thing.... in a normal matchmaking system that works to keep you with and against like skilled players this form of balance actually works really well, because champions winrates are effected very easily by people who "exploit" characters that are too strong, they get nerfed when they need it.
In league we dont get this system, so while the "Balance champions on their winrate" SEEMS like a straight up reasonable position, their matchmaking formula actually COMPLETELY invalidates winrate information.
Yeah... get over it though, riot has basically said they dont give a **** about good balance or good matchmaking, and they've responded as such literally everytime they're confronted about it, they infact not only respond that way, they DOUBLE DOWN and swear their systems closely resemble similar systems ( there are no other competitive games that does matchmaking this way, not even one.
Riot's theory on matchmaking is that an ideal matchmaking system should work hardest to keep you at 50% winrate, not necessarily placing you with and against evenly skilled players, which means they artificially weigh games against or FOR you based on whatever internal statistics they use to give you an increased chance of loss / win ( yes.... you go on a winning streak and the system works to make you lose ).
Secondly, this adds a secondary problem .... champion balance .... and champion winrate we all know plays some amount in their metric for when a champion needs buffs / nerfs. Here is the funny thing.... in a normal matchmaking system that works to keep you with and against like skilled players this form of balance actually works really well, because champions winrates are effected very easily by people who "exploit" characters that are too strong, they get nerfed when they need it.
In league we dont get this system, so while the "Balance champions on their winrate" SEEMS like a straight up reasonable position, their matchmaking formula actually COMPLETELY invalidates winrate information.
Yeah... get over it though, riot has basically said they dont give a **** about good balance or good matchmaking, and they've responded as such literally everytime they're confronted about it, they infact not only respond that way, they DOUBLE DOWN and swear their systems closely resemble similar systems ( there are no other competitive games that does matchmaking this way, not even one.
Thank you for the feedback. I played some games (casual) and I am so disappointed. It seems to be true what you are saying. I had a bit of 55% winrate, and it got all eliminated today. I played 3 times Volibear, lost 3 times. I played the first two game decent, but we got crushed. Enemy had garbage jungler, but on the bot and top they were raping my little bois. So no idea, but this matchmaking destroys all the fun. Just because I got positive winrate, it puts me in completely unfair games, where I have no chance to develop. Not to mention my third game. I was completely obliterated from the start. Enemy average silver, we barely bronze. We had a iron in our team. They raped everybody. No chance to do anything. We surrendered as early as possible. Where is the fun in such a game? I don't see it. I play now one more with Volibear, and I am so sure that I will win now, because I am far below 50% now. Just to go with a good feeling in the bed. You can check my games here. It is really disgusting, how this 50% winrate thing works. This is 0 fun. I will quit this game, go back to heroes of the storm, much more fair in that respect.
BTW: I lose rankeds, but I don't lose any lp, or just 1 or 2. So basically to get high rank, you just need to grind or what? What is this garbage game? 0 Skill required, just buy some good champs for 200€ and win the game? Honestly, all the good champs cost more than 4800 blue essence? lol is pay to win, really. Especially for the casual players, that don't watch ten million videos, before they buy a champ. But doesn't matter, you buy one, then it gets nerfed. So you have to buy the next one. Like Master Yi. Complete garbage now.
UPDATE: Just realised my winrate is still 55%, so they put me to lose probably again? I.e. I will have had lost 5 games with Volibear. Even though I am a decent Volibearer now?
BTW: I lose rankeds, but I don't lose any lp, or just 1 or 2. So basically to get high rank, you just need to grind or what? What is this garbage game? 0 Skill required, just buy some good champs for 200€ and win the game? Honestly, all the good champs cost more than 4800 blue essence? lol is pay to win, really. Especially for the casual players, that don't watch ten million videos, before they buy a champ. But doesn't matter, you buy one, then it gets nerfed. So you have to buy the next one. Like Master Yi. Complete garbage now.
UPDATE: Just realised my winrate is still 55%, so they put me to lose probably again? I.e. I will have had lost 5 games with Volibear. Even though I am a decent Volibearer now?
Proxava wrote:
BTW: I lose rankeds, but I don't lose any lp, or just 1 or 2. So basically to get high rank, you just need to grind or what? What is this garbage game? 0 Skill required, just buy some good champs for 200€ and win the game? Honestly, all the good champs cost more than 4800 blue essence? lol is pay to win, really. Especially for the casual players, that don't watch ten million videos, before they buy a champ. But doesn't matter, you buy one, then it gets nerfed. So you have to buy the next one. Like Master Yi. Complete garbage now.
UPDATE: Just realised my winrate is still 55%, so they put me to lose probably again? I.e. I will have had lost 5 games with Volibear. Even though I am a decent Volibearer now?
You should've seen Ranked Matchmaking earlier this season. I was High Silver earlier this season and it was actually **** to be in that rank. Why? Because EVERY SINGLE NEW PLAYER TO RANKED gets placed in Silver I/Gold IV immediately. Platinum and Iron would literally meet as well in these games so queue times would be shorter, because earlier matchmaking was based completely off Skill Level and 0 regard for your rank. This is 50/50 matchmaking. Smurfs or absolute newbies on your team. Coinflip. It's a lot better now.
The ranked system right now is actually REALLY good. The only thing I would complain about is LP Mitigation for all AFK games (right now it's 1 per week) and LP scaling based off your performance in the game, and that would be multiplied by some number that reflects your Skill Level vs. your current rank.
You won't climb unless you're better than the other players. You will climb if you are better than the players in your game. Yes, it may take about 20 games to climb 1-2 divisions, but if you win lane, it's more likely that you will win the game. There's a bunch of strategies to winning early/lane- you can find these on Guides.
In short, no system is perfect, but this new system in preseason is actually GREAT.
Casual players play for fun. If you're competitive you should probably know what class of champions suits you the best and narrow your selection down from there, as there's probably no more than 20. You'll see other champions while you play and also try them out when they become free in Normals.
Free champion rotating perfectly answers your question.
And again matchmaking is definitely randomized and has effects but it's not terrible. Win lane through macro (probably the biggest piece of advice I'd give you, based on what I see in videos) is to HARASS the HELL out of your enemy when they walk up to hit a minion. It's a free skill shot. Of course then there's wave management, it takes time to learn that, but if you're looking to climb, put in some effort.
EDIT: Also want to link my Guide To Drafting:
This'll help maximize your chances of winning and explain more in-depth what I talked about above. It's new and some info might be wrong, but I think it'll help you climb if you're serious.
Dyto wrote:
I can explain EXACTLY why matchmaking AND champion balance are terrible
Riot's theory on matchmaking is that an ideal matchmaking system should work hardest to keep you at 50% winrate, not necessarily placing you with and against evenly skilled players, which means they artificially weigh games against or FOR you based on whatever internal statistics they use to give you an increased chance of loss / win ( yes.... you go on a winning streak and the system works to make you lose ).
Secondly, this adds a secondary problem .... champion balance .... and champion winrate we all know plays some amount in their metric for when a champion needs buffs / nerfs. Here is the funny thing.... in a normal matchmaking system that works to keep you with and against like skilled players this form of balance actually works really well, because champions winrates are effected very easily by people who "exploit" characters that are too strong, they get nerfed when they need it.
In league we dont get this system, so while the "Balance champions on their winrate" SEEMS like a straight up reasonable position, their matchmaking formula actually COMPLETELY invalidates winrate information.
Yeah... get over it though, riot has basically said they dont give a **** about good balance or good matchmaking, and they've responded as such literally everytime they're confronted about it, they infact not only respond that way, they DOUBLE DOWN and swear their systems closely resemble similar systems ( there are no other competitive games that does matchmaking this way, not even one.
Riot's theory on matchmaking is that an ideal matchmaking system should work hardest to keep you at 50% winrate, not necessarily placing you with and against evenly skilled players, which means they artificially weigh games against or FOR you based on whatever internal statistics they use to give you an increased chance of loss / win ( yes.... you go on a winning streak and the system works to make you lose ).
Secondly, this adds a secondary problem .... champion balance .... and champion winrate we all know plays some amount in their metric for when a champion needs buffs / nerfs. Here is the funny thing.... in a normal matchmaking system that works to keep you with and against like skilled players this form of balance actually works really well, because champions winrates are effected very easily by people who "exploit" characters that are too strong, they get nerfed when they need it.
In league we dont get this system, so while the "Balance champions on their winrate" SEEMS like a straight up reasonable position, their matchmaking formula actually COMPLETELY invalidates winrate information.
Yeah... get over it though, riot has basically said they dont give a **** about good balance or good matchmaking, and they've responded as such literally everytime they're confronted about it, they infact not only respond that way, they DOUBLE DOWN and swear their systems closely resemble similar systems ( there are no other competitive games that does matchmaking this way, not even one.
I disagree but I won't argue, I'll just say what I think...
Matchmaking doesn't literally look to see who just won and lost a game.
How would that work? It literally won't. It's random. So Riot doesn't try to keep you at 50% winrate.
Champions are unbalanced due to preseason. And there's no perfect champion balance, and if that were the case, then that's just going to be a BORING game. You won't be able to pick a "strong" champion or make a "strong" team composition. It'll just be uniform. And to counter your argument, just ban someone you think is unbalanced.
Riot's improved matchmaking a lot more than I would have ever dreamed. See my previous comment.
ak521 wrote:
I disagree but I won't argue, I'll just say what I think...
Matchmaking doesn't literally look to see who just won and lost a game.
How would that work? It literally won't. It's random. So Riot doesn't try to keep you at 50% winrate.
Champions are unbalanced due to preseason. And there's no perfect champion balance, and if that were the case, then that's just going to be a BORING game. You won't be able to pick a "strong" champion or make a "strong" team composition. It'll just be uniform. And to counter your argument, just ban someone you think is unbalanced.
Riot's improved matchmaking a lot more than I would have ever dreamed. See my previous comment.
Literally.... you're telling me "nobody would make a system like that" but ...riot has explained that that is exactly how their matchmaking algorithm works, that it looks to keep you as close to 50% as possible, it was their response to people's feelings of "Elo hell" they actually broke down how it works and how it gives weighted games after awhile ( they just never specified the amount of games or wins / losses )
Also no, league of legends is consistently described as one of the worst balanced competitive games out there, and thats even after 20 years of zergling rush STILL being top dog in starcraft pro games.
Here you can see a fair match:
And here an other one:
Update from my side: I have 10 games on Volibear (casual) ten losses. What is going on? Generally my past 20 games are 19 losses (casual)? It can't be me, it's impossible. I play decent for my skill level. 10 games lost? In a row with Voli?
And here an other one:
Update from my side: I have 10 games on Volibear (casual) ten losses. What is going on? Generally my past 20 games are 19 losses (casual)? It can't be me, it's impossible. I play decent for my skill level. 10 games lost? In a row with Voli?
hahah, i am done. check my winrate in casual here. 4/20 past 20 games, and 1/16 past 16 games. especially my volibear stats: 0/10 volibear games. according to internet volibear has 50% winrate. so if lol-matchmaking was fair, i would have a (0.5)^10=0.000000001 chance to have this accident. thats rarer than winning the lottery. and i played the lottery. what a joke.
i don't want to start analysing this garbage anymore. i guess they (riot) put all their money in analysing what makes people to continue playing and eventually making you invest real money. so players like me that are quite resilient, and have an addictive potential, that want to win games, and cannot stop after losing, they try to make them lose on purpose. i have no other explanation left. in all of my games, as volibear, my opponent didn't leave me anything to do. they completely obliterated my team even if I could win the early game for my team. i don't understand this. i am completely lost. i am so desperate. if you go through this hell, i guess you would have committed suicide long time ago. there is no description left of my feelings. i liked mobas. but now it's game over. lol did it for me. i will never touch this game anymore. rip, this completely garbage game, that doesn't deserve to be played by honest and serious people. trash to trash i would say.
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I tried to reserach via google some thoughts on this, but there are almost no entries with complaints like mine, instead I find entries about partnership matchmaking (??), perhaps Riot invested quite some money into removing these complaints from the internet and replacing them with partnership stuff? If you have any reference for my complaint, feel free to let me know.
Question 1: About 80% of my games are completely unfair, in the sense that one team is much stronger than the other, most of the time resulting in a resign of the inferior team. I think my winrate is pretty much 50%, so sometimes I am part of the inferior team, and sometimes of the superior team. My question here is, why is there such a big gap of skill in the majority of the games? There are always these fancy mastery level ten million Diana players that rape the whole opponent, and the opponent consists out of level 30 noobs (which I am myself too).
Question 2: Why am I put as a level 30 noob with level 200+ players that have mastery ten millions on their champ? I am not new to mobas, have been playing others like Heroes of the Storm on diamond level, but diamond there is barely iron 2 in lol, right? I have the feeling that the matchmaking supports people that play their single champ over and over again, in contrast to people that like to try out different champs, like me. If you played one champ quite well, the matchmaking doesn't realise, when you play a new champ. So for instance today I played Volibear for my first time, and I quite liked him, but the enemy just crushed my team on every lane, and hence also me at some point.
Question 3: I sometimes play with my friend, that is quite the same skill level as me, we both are not very good. I have a bit better feeling about the mechanics of moba, whereas my friend knows the champs better. I have the feeling that playing with a friend is much worse, if you don't work together extremely well, as we do. We just play our game and sometimes gank together, but not much more interaction. But perhaps the matchmaker thinks, put these two noobs vs two super-amazing pro gaming kiddies, to make it 'fair'. Why does the matchmaking not recognise that we are noobs, and the others are good?
Question 4: In ranked play there is the Solo/Duo mode. However wouldn't it be more fair to make a pure Solo mode? Bad players can be carried by a good smurf friend to a desired rank. Perhaps there are even pros that you can buy for cash to boost you. I am playing in mid bronze, and the skill level is for my taste so incredibly variable. Sometimes I crush my opponent on my lane, and then sometimes I get crushed 0/10 by some pro player, that can never be a bronze player.
Bonus question: How do I find the champ that suits me best (without paying money)?