Problem is that with that idea, you'll get a site that should contain LoL Champion Guides, and doesn't have any.
I'm not opposed to vote decay.
I'd say that if a champ has a rework, all guides for that champion will have their percentage reset, and are auto-archived.
If there are only minor changes, like a small flat/scaling damage nerf/buff, nothing happens since it probably will not affect the builds.
For any other things either the community or the admins can decide what would be best.
And you'll somehow have to make scouts scout again, because currently that is the deadest forum to be found.
I'm not opposed to vote decay.
I'd say that if a champ has a rework, all guides for that champion will have their percentage reset, and are auto-archived.
If there are only minor changes, like a small flat/scaling damage nerf/buff, nothing happens since it probably will not affect the builds.
For any other things either the community or the admins can decide what would be best.
And you'll somehow have to make scouts scout again, because currently that is the deadest forum to be found.
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
Vapora Dark wrote:
^ I was trying to get the scouts active again, but it was clear after the last guide I posted on the scout forums that no one actually wants to scout. :(
I feel bad for you. You got scolded for not following "procedures" or using the "proper" thread or whatever.
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
Vynertje wrote:
Isn't one of the problems that scouts have, that they are not elected to be, or have to apply, but instead just get it based on ranks? How about we 'elect' scouts.
This makes sense. People who post a lot naturally get rep, whereas members who may be just as qualified but don't post much aren't accumulating reputation despite the fact that they may deserve it more.
^ I think it is more like that people don't get the scout rank voluntarily (-> why do something when you didn't sign up for it yourself?). I am sure that there are people around here that would like to be scout (myself included) while not even getting close to the amount of reputation needed.
Basically, if there's enough people supporting the idea, I would like to set up a new scouting system (which I could like lead, if required) with a set of active people we can elect through nominations.
Basically, if there's enough people supporting the idea, I would like to set up a new scouting system (which I could like lead, if required) with a set of active people we can elect through nominations.
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Edit: Even with what you're suggesting, it would be impossible to even budge the rating of a guide with 1k+ votes, such as that Ezreal guide. You'd have to vote up a better guide and hope THAT doesn't get downvoted by the owner of the top guide and everyone who worships the top guide just because it's the top guide.
Vote decay? With every patch, decrease vote # by 50% and maintain the rating.No this is dumbHmm...