Fox Rage wrote:
Back to topic : WotA should still stack IMO, but a a much higher cost (like 500-750g more). It would make it a lot more expensive for people to get it
This, Yes.
Y'know what else is interesting in this patch that they just kinda snuck in? NEW SUPPORT ITEM!!
This thing is going to make non-conventional supports (leona, nunu) nearly on par with taric/soraka/janna. They still need to nerf sona a bit.
Well I'm guessing that was what the changes referred to. I'm not sure why they disabled it in queues in the first place.
example1013 wrote:
there's no way you'd consider buying it(WotA) like, ever on Kassadin.
That's because you don't know what an effective kassadin build is.
Edit: Oh wait lol nvm, Silence is a 9s cooldown, and kassadin is a pile of **** late game because he has to build tanky to survive because he's a melee caster and he doesn't deal enough damage or have a good enough laning phase to justify picking him.
I forgot Kassadin was bad.
Tri lane for life.
Temzilla wrote:
That's because you don't know what an effective kassadin build is.
Edit: Oh wait lol nvm, Silence is a 9s cooldown, and kassadin is a pile of **** late game because he has to build tanky to survive because he's a melee caster and he doesn't deal enough damage or have a good enough laning phase to justify picking him.
I forgot Kassadin was bad.
I totally haven't been playing Kassadin like forever and definitely have no clue what I'm talking about. See, I can do sarcasm too!
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they were able to dive us at the turret every 2 minutes because the spellvamp allowed them to tank the turret for a few seconds. the spell vamp is good for its price, if bought on a support, but on any non support it was too cheap.