Hey Xiralid, your guide is currently classified as a Build rather than a Full Guide. These classifications affect how guides are sorted in the listings. Your guide appears a bit lower on the page, under the Season 10 Builds bar.
To upgrade your Build to a Full Guide, you just need to add at least 3,000 characters of text (including BBCode) to the Chapters section of your guide. Once you've passed the threshold, you'll automatically be upgraded to Full Guide status and appear among other Full Guides in the listings.
To upgrade your Build to a Full Guide, you just need to add at least 3,000 characters of text (including BBCode) to the Chapters section of your guide. Once you've passed the threshold, you'll automatically be upgraded to Full Guide status and appear among other Full Guides in the listings.
Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
TTVXiralid wrote:
whats a bb code ?
BBCode is what we use here on MOBAFire to format our guides (for example our text) and make them look really nice.
Some examples of guides that teach bbcode and how you can use them are (but not limited to):
Making A Guide
A Table Coding Guide
How to Use Columns
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!
TTVXiralid wrote:
so bb guide are rules i have to follow ?
No, not entirely. You don't have to follow any guides if you don't want to as there are no rules for coding, you can completely come up with any coding that you so choose.
The guides, shows the basics of how to use the coding so that people can have the chance to learn (in order to then be able to create whatever they now want from their imagination of what they would like to create). But the guides do also offer templates of already made coding that is useful if you want it and is free to use as long as you make a special thanks / thank the author of the guide inside of your own guide with a linkback to the guides where you've learned your coding from, so that more people will be able to find & therefore learn/use it.
If you have any more questions then feel free to ask. :)
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
TTVXiralid wrote:
yea im not good at coding so like lets just say i have 3000 characters and now i need the bb code thing what do i do /how
Like I already mentioned before, you do not "need" to have bbcoding in your guide and guides can still shine even without it. However, some of the guides that I linked in my previous comment shows the basics and how to use bbcoding (feel free to check them out).
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
As Fruxo said, BBCode just makes your guide look better. It's not required. I mentioned it because BBCode is included in the 3,000 character requirement, so if you have some code in your guide, it'll count towards your total.
It's easy enough to reach the minimum with just text though, if you don't want to try and figure out coding right now. :P
It's easy enough to reach the minimum with just text though, if you don't want to try and figure out coding right now. :P
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!
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