The closest you can get is probably linking this page with code [url=]tenacity[/url]
Tenacity isn't an ability, mastery, champion, rune or whatnot. Since there's also no wiki article about it, you can't use BBCode to link it - the way Janitsu described would be the best option :)
Crowd Control isn't the same as Tenacity ofc x)

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
You need to log in before commenting.
You need to specify which wiki section you want to pull the database item from: ability, mastery, item.
If the name has spaces in it you will need to use "s around the name, such as [wiki=mastery "fleet of foot"].
[wiki=ability frenzy] OR [[frenzy ability]] = ability frenzy
[wiki=mastery frenzy] OR [[frenzy mastery]] =
[wiki=item zephyr] [zephyr item] =
That's great for when you want to link the database item as a name, but what if you want just the icon? Well you have to specify the database section using the "icon=..." code.
[icon=ability frenzy] = ability frenzy
[icon=mastery frenzy] =
[icon=item zephyr] =
To change the size of the icon you need to add "size=..." to the icon code, just like you do when you use the icon code without specifying a database section.
[icon=ability frenzy size=25] = ability frenzy
[icon=mastery frenzy size=50] =
[icon=item zephyr size=75] =
If a database entry has mastery / ability / item etc as part of their name it breaks the code above. So, use this code (wiki ____="..."):
[wiki mastery="arcane mastery"] =
If you have any more questions concerning this just post a comment in this thread!