Q - Range closer with slow, decent damage
W - Amazing buff skill, gives you AD, spellvamp and lifesteal
E - Epic true damage spam
R - Gives you 6 seconds immunity to disables and bonus Armor and Magic Resist + passive armor penetration
Q - Spam skill that deals on-hit effect like crit and lifesteal, awesome damage if you have items like Atma's that give you crit chance
W - Free Cleanse + Heal
E - Team wide AS and Movement Speed boost
R - AoE decent damage slow
These 2 i love. Awesome champion that fit your criteria are also Riven, Shyvana, Wukong, Renekton and Lee Sin(but in current meta hes mostly played jungle).
Q - Range closer with slow, decent damage
W - Amazing buff skill, gives you AD, spellvamp and lifesteal
E - Epic true damage spam
R - Gives you 6 seconds immunity to disables and bonus Armor and Magic Resist + passive armor penetration
Q - Spam skill that deals on-hit effect like crit and lifesteal, awesome damage if you have items like Atma's that give you crit chance
W - Free Cleanse + Heal
E - Team wide AS and Movement Speed boost
R - AoE decent damage slow
These 2 i love. Awesome champion that fit your criteria are also Riven, Shyvana, Wukong, Renekton and Lee Sin(but in current meta hes mostly played jungle).
Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
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Garen or Shen
Shen is technically a tank but with the recent buffs I play him as a bruiser to amazing effect, while still tanking. Just go hp and attack speed for your damage and pick your defense items according to their team
Garen is very forgiving and his early game is GOD. You can usually get first blood, and many games I won't die at all or less than 4 times tops. He drops off late game a little, but is still great.
Also, both of these champs are CHEAP. 1350 for either of them is just a steal! And why not get both? Then you have and ad bruiser and an ap bruiser (shen doesn't get ap, but his passive does magic damage which is his main damage)
Shen is technically a tank but with the recent buffs I play him as a bruiser to amazing effect, while still tanking. Just go hp and attack speed for your damage and pick your defense items according to their team
Garen is very forgiving and his early game is GOD. You can usually get first blood, and many games I won't die at all or less than 4 times tops. He drops off late game a little, but is still great.
Also, both of these champs are CHEAP. 1350 for either of them is just a steal! And why not get both? Then you have and ad bruiser and an ap bruiser (shen doesn't get ap, but his passive does magic damage which is his main damage)
Tristana sez:
I can haz rep?
I can haz rep?
Bruiser = Big dude who can take a lot of damage but also dish some out
IE = Infinity Edge
PD = Phantom Dancer
IE = Infinity Edge
PD = Phantom Dancer
k then. thanks for explaining. and sorry for going offtopic.
edit: i could suggest mundo as an option. he isn't that much item dependent, he can be built the way you want, doesn't rely on mana (he doesn't have actually) and just won't die. =]
hope i helped. :)
edit: i could suggest mundo as an option. he isn't that much item dependent, he can be built the way you want, doesn't rely on mana (he doesn't have actually) and just won't die. =]
hope i helped. :)
The best champ that i can think of for your style and role u are looking for is Volibear. He is a monster with 2 forms of CC ( 1. a single target toss with great damage and 2. an AOE slow + decent damage + creep and monster Fear all in one), a boost to his speed (same move as his toss), and some very high damage abilities. His auto attacks trigger the activation of his W, which is both a passive attack speed boost and an on activation bite that does % total health damage on target (AWESOME BTW), and his ult is basically an Ionic Spark that hits EVERY TIME (on mele hit sends lightning bolts out to any and all nearby targets). Very right-clicky, good abilities, great CC, UUBER survivable, it sounds like a PERFECT champ for what u are looking for. He basically defines "Bruiser"
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
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Since starting playing lol, I have experimented with all roles. I know it is important to play every role in ranked, and I'll work on that, but I am definitely the type that wants to be "known" for like one champion/role. I have found that my preferred playstyle is that of a bruiser. A few things I'm looking for/reasons why I like bruisers:
1. I prefer melee champions as opposed to those that rely more exclusively on their abilities (this is even one of the reasons I don't love maokai, who was someone recommended to me, I prefer to do more damage with my right-clicks than he offers)
2. I just like building items for a bruiser more than for other champions. For example, AP carries NEED to build high AP, AD carries are always IE/PD etc. With my bruiser, I can pay attention to opponent team comp's, build more or less armor/MR/stack health, and still have the possibility of building damage with things like frozen mallet, atma's, triforce, etc.
3. The champion I've had a blast playing lately is Jarvan IV. A well placed ultimate is great, and I love his E -> Q combo. He can even do some damage right-clicking late game. I just like the feel of him (his w kinda, well, sucks). I thought about trying to main him, but many people have told me he isn't a really strong choice, and I can see that. He really can't carry a whole team by himself.
So I'm looking for a similar champion that I can build like I build jarvan (the other issue i have w jarvan is how mana dependent he is), but might be a better pcik to carry games.
Any questions let me know! Thanks!