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Pvp is nothing like bots and I am in need of help

Creator: Uuskilu February 28, 2014 6:46am
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Uuskilu's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2014 6:46am | Report
Hello there , I'm Uuskilu a level 18 player who's pretty new to the game (2 months) this is also my first Moba and Cpu game in general so it's a lot different than a lot of other games i've played. The problem is that I was so nervous and scared about playing pvp games that I just stuck to beginner bot matches until just recently (maybe level 15) and Pvp matches are completely different from bot matches that i've played . Every match I either get outfarmed and if I don' then I get ganked (even after warding) or they counter my champ really hard .It just seems like the people that i'm playing against are simply just of a higher skill level than me and i'm not sure what to do .
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Dychronius's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2014 7:49am | Report
Well, if you have a friend of a high experience level than you, you could ask them to help you out in some 1v1's. Last hitting takes practice, and I'd recommend you make a custom game and try to see how much farm you can get in 10 minutes. You need to get used to the damage, animation speed, and possibly projectile speed to really last hit, and it just takes some getting used to.If you're getting ganked after warding, you're not paying attention to the map enough. Always try to keep an eye on the map, especially if you have a ward. It's also possible that you're playing against smurfs, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion.

Do do do dee do do do
Qorn Mcbandagez
Qorn Mcbandagez's Forum Avatar
Feb 12th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2014 10:13am | Report
I did the same thing, Bots make logical choices that you can mostly follow. People, especially not at level 30 make spontateous decisions that don't make sense, and work for them. If you trade with a bot, they run, if you trade with a player, they may go all in and potentially kill you because you didn't expect it. Ganks, wards, some more wards, and stay in your safe zone. If your champ has a decent snare (IE Lux, Morgana, Taric, Annie) Snare as soon as you see them and get to safety. Turret hugs are your friend. Learn to freeze your lane, and it should help alot. I play alot of Kat mid, I was a boss at Bots, PvP was alot diffrent, people know how to counter your moves, and cut you off through jungles. It helps to know your champs weaknesses and their zoning to help keep you alive. If you in top lane, and around level 3 or 4 expect a gank soon. Their jungle will more then likely pop his head and start trying to zone you out of lane or outright kill you. Don't AA minions, just wait for last hits. Turn AA off in the menu helps alot. Try a few diffrent champs/Postions. If your behind, Build your defensive items first. It helps tons.
Uuskilu's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2014 6:11pm | Report
Thanks , i'll work on this stuff and let you know how it goes
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic

Also, check out my Soundcloud, I make music..kinda
<Guide Critic>
EdisonKhoo's Forum Avatar
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Jun 29th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2014 6:22pm | Report
practice on last hits, means that you shouldn't always AA the minions and last hit when minion health are low enough.

dun buy any runes until you reach lvl 20, runes below lvl 20 r not worth buying.

learn some easy champions such as Annie, Warwick, Caitlyn.

learn to ward and map awareness.
DKitten's Forum Avatar
Jan 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2014 7:20pm | Report
Well, I'm the bot queen.

I occasionally get by in PvP games. I still avoid them b/c I don't like the PvP community.

Things you can practice in bot games:
1) Map awareness. Pay attention to when bots are missing from lanes or when an ally is pushing a turret. Pay attention to what direction the bots are headed in when they leave lane.
2) CSing. Duh. However, you should 1v1 with a real player while CSing in order to learn how to CS WHILE trading/poking.
3) Skill timers, esp. any involving CC.
4) Combos for new champions

Things you can't practice in bot games:
1) When and where to Flash. You learn where by playing against players who know how to do it. This is absolutely my biggest weakness.
2) A majority of champions' kits.
3) When to use which start; this is more important for top-laners
4) The effects of runes and masteries; I don't believe beginner bots carry runes, and I think adv bots only carry half a rune page, but don't quote me on this
5) When to wander, as you most likely will not get punished by bots for wandering
6) How to counter-jungle. Kinda a no-duh.
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Uuskilu's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 9:02am | Report
Well I've been working on all these things and studying on more stuff and I finally hit level 20 and got runes , it really helped and so far i've noticed my biggest hardship is something that i'll just have to learn over time . I just don't know most champs so I have to just keep playing and learning new champs and how to counter them. Thank you guys for all the great advice ^_^
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic

Also, check out my Soundcloud, I make music..kinda
PoisonIvy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 26th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 9:24am | Report
I like playing coop, a lot. You can learn a lot about your own champions, but the problem is that you won't learn so much about your 4 allies and 5 enemies as you would in pvp.
Playing pvp is a hard path in LoL: At least in my server, trash talk is almost mandatory. Ignoring negative behavior, making the right choices and teaching yourself to have a positive attitude (even when you're losing) is essential to become a better player.

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sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 9:35am | Report
Truth is, I think the best way for you to learn how to play against PVP is just to repeatedly grind it. Just don't hesitate, press that PVP button and mute everyone in game.

Die a LOT, then learn how not to die. Just let experience guide you. Just don't be concerned when you **** up.
Nerosyth's Forum Avatar
Mar 10th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 10:46am | Report
sirell wrote:

Truth is, I think the best way for you to learn how to play against PVP is just to repeatedly grind it. Just don't hesitate, press that PVP button and mute everyone in game.

Die a LOT, then learn how not to die. Just let experience guide you. Just don't be concerned when you **** up.

Eh, I think you're exaggerating a bit there :D
I believe you should not be scared of pvp. I also believe there's only one way of playing against other players better. And that's experience.
You will LOSE A LOT. But honestly you just need to pick up the bits and pieces there as to why you lost, what mistakes you made here and there, and you'll eventually get better through practice.
If you've heard the phrase "practice makes perfect" It definitely applies in league.
Overall though you can get frustrated over a losing streak, so in that case you can just relax and have some fun over in aram.
Happy playing! :)
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