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December Raffle Winners!

Creator: Hades4u January 3, 2024 1:46am
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2024 1:46am | Report

Hey everyone, we're happy to announce the December winners from our MOBAFire Monthly Raffle!

These lucky winners will be receiving their choice of one Snowdown Showdown Skin. Congratulations!

You can also check out last month's leaderboard to see our top ticket earners, and maybe give those hard working folks a nice comment or +rep. :)

Look out for an email from MOBAFire! Whitelist to be extra sure it doesn't get caught in spam. Emails will be going out shortly.

P.S. Winners, please make sure you have room in your friends list and accept friend requests from Hades4u#NA1, Hades4u#EUW and Hades4uWasTaken#EUNE. If you're on another server, we'll make other arrangements to make sure you get your prize. Note that we can only gift prizes to those in regions that accept RP PINs or bank payments.

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