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Patch 9.21 Summary

Creator: Wayne3100 October 23, 2019 2:03am
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2019 2:03am | Report

Hello and welcome to the MOBAFire Patch Summary - 9.21!

With Halloween swiftly approaching, patch 9.21 features the release of three new themed skins - one of which will also have a Prestige Edition - which players can use to make sure their champion is ready to go trick-or-treating this week. On top of that, Riot is also releasing a skin to commemorate League's 10 year anniversary, which players can receive as a daily gift by logging in and playing the game during Riot's 10 Days of Gifting Event.

Of course, patch 9.21 also features balance changes on top of these new cosmetics, and players who were (ab)using Garen, Shaco and Pyke in recent times will find their champions weakened this time around. In contrast, there are also a handful of champions receiving buffs in this patch, with most of them consisting of simple yet ever so effective number adjustments.

As always, be sure to check out the full patch notes for details on any changes that interest you (or, if you're more interested in Teamfight Tactics, click here for the 9.21 patch notes for TFT).

Champion Balance Changes

Click on any of the champion icons below to view the champion-specific changes in the official patch notes


Bugfix / QoL


Other Changes

  • Bugfixes

    • When Kindred casts W - Wolf's Frenzy, Wolf now properly attacks enemies in range when she is not attacking anything
    • When walking over a Rift Scuttler Speed Shrine, champions will now have a Revealed Eyes marker over them
    • Enemies spotted by Ashe's E - Hawkshot will no longer have the vision Eyes above their heads until the end of the game
    • Qiyana's R - Supreme Display of Talent VFX no longer desynchronize with its effects and they properly follow the outline around terrain all the way through from the enemies' perspective if it is cast in Fog of War
    • Heimerdinger's R - UPGRADE!!!'s tooltip no longer mentions that his E - CH-3X Lightning Grenade's slow is improved to 80%
    • Only champions can pick up Eye of the Herald. Dashing as Yasuo through it with R - Last Breath or having the living shadow from Shadow Assassin Kayn's W - Blade's Reach stand on it will no longer have those non-champion entities pick it up
    • When Sylas Hijacks Nidalee's ultimate and uses her Q - Takedown, he'll now properly do damage with it
    • Aurelion Sol's R - Voice of Light's VFX are no longer globally visible in Fog of War
    • Neeko can once again select herself to deactivate her disguise, putting it on a 2-second cooldown
    • Kled will no longer lose his untargetable status when dismounting near turrets/walls

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

The following skins will be released this patch.

Witch's Brew Blitzcrank (1350 RP)

Bewitching Miss Fortune (1350 RP)

Bewitching Miss Fortune Prestige Edition

Count Kassadin (1350 RP)


The following chromas will be released this patch.

Witch's Brew Blitzcrank

Count Kassadin

Share Your Thoughts!

That's it on our end, time to hear from you guys! Do you think the nerfs to Garen, Pyke and Shaco will be enough to keep them in check, and which others champions should be nerfed next? Which of the other changes introduced in this patch will have the biggest influence on a champion's viability? And finally, will you be picking up any of this year's Halloween-related skins?

Let us know in the comments below!

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Wicked Cherry
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Sep 1st, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2019 8:41am | Report
Hey there,
here's some of my thoughts and opinions on the current patch. :)

I'm honestly soooo amazed and happy that Lulu finally got buffed - even if it's only her E Help, Pix!. It's (besides her ultimate Wild Growth one of her most valuable abilities and having a little more poke and shield health makes me feel like she's more balanced in late game where she should excel the most due to her peel potential.

Also: New Harrowing skins. +_+

For me, it's definitely a 'Yay-Patch'. :b ...Although I'm wondering which champions I will be banning because my personal top 3 got nerfed now.
TheFwnK's Forum Avatar
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Mar 12th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2019 8:59am | Report
Hey there,
here's some of my thoughts and opinions on the current patch. :)

I'm honestly soooo amazed and happy that Lulu finally got buffed - even if it's only her E Help, Pix!. It's (besides her ultimate Wild Growth one of her most valuable abilities and having a little more poke and shield health makes me feel like she's more balanced in late game where she should excel the most due to her peel potential.

Also: New Harrowing skins. +_+

For me, it's definitely a 'Yay-Patch'. :b ...Although I'm wondering which champions I will be banning because my personal top 3 got nerfed now.

Wohooo… I always wanted to get my Pyke nerfed... So excited. :/
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2019 10:32am | Report
>When Kindred casts W - Wolf's Frenzy, Wolf now properly attacks enemies in range when she is not attacking anything

Interesting. I honestly hadn't noticed as sometimes Wolf can take a bit to go to his target, so I will often start paying attention to other things after activating the ability.

This makes me wonder if Shaco's clone might be affected by the same bug as sometimes I feel like the clone will lose its target and then either won't reaquire a new target if you try to control it with R or it will do so very sluggishly.

A little nervous about seeing Kog'Maw and Lulu being buffed together. And seeing the occasional Ivern. Kog can become impossible to deal with even if you **** on him in laning phase with some key items and support if you can't burst him instantly.

60 -> 40s on Shaco's boxes is definitely a nerf since you can't get as many boxes setup in the early game, but I think a worthwhile nerf since it means he can't hit level 3 as quickly.

Yay to Garen nerfs! That monstrosity needs to not be a thing, espeically paired with a Yuumi.

I kinda feel like they also need to take a look at Ashe, she might not kill you quite as fast as late game Kog'maw but it can kind of feel like that given a lot of champs struggle to get away from her and you won't know until you fail to kill her in one rotation.

I'm of a couple of minds about the Kayn buff. SA Kayn is kind of on the ridiculous side Mid game to the point that he can take over a game with what feels like little counterplay, while Rhaast Kayn is just good into some team comps. if I have one complaint about playing Kayn it would be his mana costs, so I'd rather see Riot focus on that then his damage which generally felt okay. Slightly more mana would serve the purpose of giving him more damage indirectly.

Like the Count Kassadin skin. The others are whatever to me.
Shacnedo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 14th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2019 6:46am | Report

Hey there,
here's some of my thoughts and opinions on the current patch. :)

I'm honestly soooo amazed and happy that Lulu finally got buffed - even if it's only her E Help, Pix!. It's (besides her ultimate Wild Growth one of her most valuable abilities and having a little more poke and shield health makes me feel like she's more balanced in late game where she should excel the most due to her peel potential.

Also: New Harrowing skins. +_+

For me, it's definitely a 'Yay-Patch'. :b ...Although I'm wondering which champions I will be banning because my personal top 3 got nerfed now.

Wohooo… I always wanted to get my Shaco nerfed... So excited. :/
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2019 8:04am | Report
Shacnedo wrote:

Wohooo… I always wanted to get my Shaco nerfed... So excited. :/

The reason he was nerfed was because he was way too broken and overtuned, much like Garen, which also got a nerf this patch. His mini "rework" made him one of the strongest jungle picks in the meta currently, him getting nerfs are bound to happen so I don't get really what you mean here. He's still extremely strong, just not as effective and overtuned as before.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2019 5:23pm | Report
Fruxo wrote:
The reason he was nerfed was because he was way too broken and overtuned, much like Garen, which also got a nerf this patch. His mini "rework" made him one of the strongest jungle picks in the meta currently, him getting nerfs are bound to happen so I don't get really what you mean here. He's still extremely strong, just not as effective and overtuned as before.

Also one of the strongest support picks in the meta!
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!

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