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Faces to Names

Creator: jhoijhoi May 28, 2011 4:33am
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 4:33am | Report
Post yer pikchars yo.

Rules are simple:

1) Post an image of yourself so we can link your name with a face (feel free to casually mention your best guide too, but not in a link, only by name).
2) No offensive images pl0x.
3) Image should be smallish

I'll upload the images to this post so people don't have to trawl through the pages to find people.

I'll start :P
Username/Handle: jhoijhoi (Jai/Jadyn)
Best Guide: Ashes to Ashe's

Username/Handle: Warlemming (War/Michael)
Best Guide: Veigar - AP Carry of Evil

Username/Handle: Patchness (Patch/Aaron)
Best Guide: Is currently making a Kog'Maw guide

Okay, here are everyone's posts. Please notify me if I miss your picture. Also, I'm not on 24/7 so it might take a day for it to come up in the main post ^^

XeresAce wrote:


jhoijhoi wrote:
Xeres: Nice picture ^^

Amanda, I love the lyrics and sound of the last song. Have you got a polished copy somewhere? Knowing you, you've made some harmonies to go along with it and a few musical scores or something? :3

Malin, you look like you're a lot of fun to be around.

I got an Ashe shirt the other day. Here's a pic :3 I cut my hair at the beginning of the year and I'm not entirely sure if I should have. It's slowly growing back...

Janitsu wrote:

regarding the previous discussion on " to go dan on jan"
Meiyjhe wrote:

I made a selfie with a NEW webcam, while wearing a NEW bathrobe and holding an ancient artifact that I got today for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The ancient artifact is worthless tho :3

To prove I am also capable of using normal facial expressions (seemingly people didnt know that after looking at my pics), I also made some other selfie earlier:
woaw so neutral face expression

Got a haircut on Saturday, guess I should take a picture quick before it grows too long again.

Janitsu wrote:

now i wont be mobafires skinny blonde from finlnad

Foxy Riven wrote:

Vynertje wrote:
This just came in the mail two days too late :(


Been visiting a whole bunch of colleges over the summer to really check out my top choice schools. This one is at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and it is by farrr my first pick.

Well, I have to get in first, but a girl can dream, right? ;~;

FalseoGod wrote:

I've discovered I'm actually a dalmatian

I made a friend today, we were cleaning up at the camp I work at and this poor little guy almost met his end from a weed whacker :(

But I had to let him go once his home got refurbished lets just hope I don't get tularemia :P


My new Shenmue jacket just arrived.It's a little small so I will have to send it back for a slightly larger size but at least it looks great :)

IceCreamy wrote:
Me after I passed my driver's license exam:

I found a friend tonight :)

sirell wrote:

This is from last month, but I forgot to post with all the busy-ness of late. My dance company competed in the XXL Streetdance Championship at SSE Wembley Arena (where EU LCS is shown when it's in London). We were competing in it for the first time and many world-famous crews had won or competed in it before, so we weren't expecting much. To our surprise, we took 2nd place Adult category and then 2nd place Overall.

This is our set:

And this is part of the set that 1st place merked us with, lol.

Slappiz wrote:

Stereotype Janna main.

Wintermond wrote:

That's me during a BBQ, 1 Month ago or so :3

Adonikam wrote:

Adonikam/Adon/Thomas/Tom =P

Yes this is me (about a year ago)

Scrax wrote:

AngelPixe wrote:

:c.I dont smile for pictures lolz.Here a ****py picture of me:C.

caucheka wrote:

Xaioli wrote:

2 Years old. I can post a more recent picture, but meh. I'm sure you'd all like to see my Halloween costume that I'm still proud of. :)

Jhoijhoi, I SWEAR you have access to the veteran forums because we were literally talking about making a general picture thread just a few days ago.

Anyway, that's a picture of me and three of my friends before one of our school's productions of Phantom of the Opera. I'd be the one on the far right. To answer any oncoming questions:

-That's not alcohol, it's sparkling cider.
-We are DAMN classy
-We are WAY too Asian for anyone to handle.

inb4 2 young to moderate a site

B-Wong wrote:

Me when I'm listening.

Me when I had a school trial to go to that day.

*clap clap*

if anyone hasn't seen it already, here's b-wong's famous womanly figure:

Adonikam wrote:

^He doesn't look like Hamish that much =S

Also, due to popular demand;


Alahric wrote:

Casual advent is casual. 2008
I swear it's like looking in a mirror :|

Dotter wrote:

This is me, with an open mouth. Just waiting for Teemo to kiss me.

jhoijhoi wrote:

I thought I'd upload another one. This was taken in year 12, about 2 hours before Prom.

Dotter wrote:

This is me from my prom this year..
As you can see I'm using my Gentleman Dotter Skin. It costed me quite some Riot Points..

caucheka wrote:

didn't go to prom.

its not really a good picture but heres me in formal wear?

thats my mom in the background and one of my uncles friends. i'm obviously the one on the right.

Scrax wrote:

Justin D. Bieber, huehuehue :D Blame whoever pointed it out, not me XD

And here's me a long, long, long, long time ago!

Dotter wrote:

If I was Justin Bieber, I'd have had a guy on each side, right Scrax? ;)

Adonikam wrote:

That's me on the left

inb4 "what's up with your necks"

mobrebel wrote:

There I am... XD

Rudmed wrote:

Since I don't have a photoshaco or whatever its called. I found something to suffice for now.

Which one is me? Far right with the glasses.

Lugignaf wrote:
Because I've been lurking long enough... I have a ****ty beard but the webcam won't pick it up.

Miraisen wrote:

Not to scare anyone...

This is me:

Loving all of the different faces here :D

Xiron wrote:

Yeah. I need a new haircut *.*

Username/Handle: AndroidPron (Philipp)

Best Guide: Noc Noc - In and Out

screwblum wrote:

I'll use my Facebook profile pic ^_^

I look terrible at pictures... Atleast you get to see a cute doogie :3

Alright then, picture time :D

Bryun wrote:

Hi, I'm Bryan.
Obviously the boy.

Turo wrote:

This is meee :D -Turoara
(I'm the guy lol)

xLiqur wrote:

Well here ya go. A few years old but I still look the same.

jhoijhoi wrote:
here's two pictures of Patchness and me at Heron Island, Australia at the beginning of this year ^^ (o.O Coincidently he's wearing that exact same shirt right now)

jhoijhoi wrote:
To get the thread somewhat back on topic, here's a picture of Patch and what happens when he falls asleep on the couch in the middle of the day.

Lugignaf wrote:
To move things back on topic....
I don't have a pic of myself per se.. I have my awesome computer though.

Go go, ****py webcam at 11 PM.

Scrax wrote:

Tearing it up in Belgium... On an electric scooter. And oh lord this is a long time ago, didn't even know I had pictures of this!

Bryun wrote:

I'm on the left with friend and cousins boyfriend's brother.

Family picture, me, cousins boyfriend's brother, my two sisters, cousin's boyfriend, and cousin.

Dats me....Yes I'm staring off into space....Now I can never post in here again D:

jhoijhoi wrote:

Thought I'd bump this with some more pics of me ^^

(the male in the second image is Patchness)

Ian and his random picture taking...(this was taken shortly after we started dating)

I'm so evil hue hue hue (with my hood up) hue hue hue

orochinagi wrote:

Not really showing up my face but meh... maybe i'll post a better pic later on.

Besides, it's a really really old pic... about 3-4 years ago (not much changed tho) xD

Bloofyre wrote:

maybe I should post my picture?
add to the amount of sexy people we have going

theBMB wrote:

I can has front page nowz?

*Shamless Advertisement following*

Mah face be on Youtube! :D

Soronto wrote:

Oh! Wat is dis? A camera? Wow! Me like cameras! ;3

Bryun wrote:

This is me, but you probably know what I look like already since I've posted pictures here already.

Zesty wrote:

Not showin' my face just yet, but I'll lighten you guys with this. Man, I love the beach.

Siveo wrote:

So let's bump this thread by posting 2 pics off me!

Gotta love that car!

Me and my gf :D

These are pictures from my vacation in west USA (I'm from Belgium)

Wintermond wrote:

Moar corrent pic. :3

gwadzila wrote:

my face has graced this thread with it's presence.

im 13, don't judge. haters.

screwblum wrote:

You dont look 13. You look older than me, I'm 15 and I look like this:

IceCreamy wrote:

oh hell, why not :D

Yes, it's the blondest one alive! I actually usually behave like a typical blondy, so dont blame me :D

Blowfeld wrote:

Well, about 2 months ago I lost a bet which forced me to not shave my face for a month. What felt strange at first now feels quite comfortable.
As you can see, wearing a beard and changing a suit and tie for a wife-beater may connect you again with deepest manly origins or just help you making stupid faces :)

BTW: If anybody owns a picture of a gibbon in a suit feel free to pm it to me or post it in my guide- and no, I can not tell you yet what this is about as it is highly confidential at this point ;)

IceCreamy wrote:

I just felt the need to add some more pics <_<

ZioSerpe wrote:

IGN: Cat or Serpe
Guide: Poppy, harder, berret, faster, stronger

picture 1 comes with a song

more junk food

funny hat


ZioSerpe wrote:


also my cat

ZioSerpe wrote:


also my cat

Adonikam wrote:

I just realised I haven't graced this thread with my presence for a while. I don't even know what's happening in this picture but I'm the handsome devil on the left.

omagma wrote:

Here is my pretty face for all of you to admire

An old picture of me from like 2 years ago, when I used to always straighten my hair.

A throwback picture from 8th grade. ahah I've changed alot in 2 years. I really hate how my face looks warped in this picture.

can i just upload a picture of my cat? :3

and yes, I named her Sona. =3=

and heres a photo of my room..... very friggin messy... =.="

if i can find a good pic of myself i might upload it...I might.

Xenasis wrote:


Beeswarm17 wrote:

I can't beat that cuteness. Not with my face and lack of cat photos.

ZioSerpe wrote:

Allergc to pets? here's the answer (also a cat that grows as big as a medium sized dog, that would be the dream if it wasn't so fken expensive).

back on old topic I took the liberty to take an explainatory picture:

In italy those are the 2 standard sizes for rolle dcig and joint

mastajdog wrote:

i'm the guy on the right. and yes, i do take karate.


Uploaded with

DuffTime wrote:

Waiting for the ferry :3

DuffTime wrote:

Had to hit 'em with a shades pic. I am the DuffTime after all.

jhoijhoi wrote:

^^ Got bored. Would anyone else like a signature made from a picture of themselves? :P Nameless, I couldn't decide which image of you I liked more, so I went for the classic one.


Quess i'll throw in one more then :D

Boom picture 2

This is how I power up before a match

DuffTime wrote:

"Myspace" pic time~

Vavena wrote:



iBradlee wrote:

Since I couldn't find my actual camera, I'll leave you with a generic web cam photo, in which I'm uncharacteristically unemotional.

Can't be bothered to find my camera, and take a decent photo of myself. Mostly because I don't really care. (SO HARDCORE, I know)

jhoijhoi wrote:

My sister and me at her year 12 formal prom, a few weeks ago ^^

Janitsu wrote:

It's me :), something like 1-2 yrs old pic.

Dotter wrote:

This is me from halloween.. Sadly I couldn't fit the pumpkin costume for a 12-months-old baby.. I misjudged my size horribly..

Figured I'd introduce myself today.
Almost to my 100 posts.

Azator wrote:

I'm the one in the middle with the white phone :3

Symphunny wrote:

try outs for guitar performance at school

dat bump on my head LOL had to rush to school so yeah

iBradlee wrote:

DuffTime wrote:

Noooo like..... A visual meme...


*edit* fixed link *edit*

Name: Protatomonster

Vavena wrote:

Probably the most awkward thing ever, I don't like smiling either..
Anyways yeah I'm young, lets not hate mk?

My little Teemo! Isn't he adorable :3

*yawns* being 22 means little here because some snot nosed 14 year old will post and completely disrespect me, or some over opinionated jack *** will make an attempt at proving a point when none needs to be made. Oh and another thing

Not the best looking guy in the world. BUTTTT I have to say this pic is ok because it's me trimmed up a bit.

EDIT: I don't believe there are women on the internet...What with everyone having an EPEEN, clearly we're all guys when behind a computer.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
Wintermond's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 4:42am | Report

That's me during a BBQ, 1 Month ago or so :3

@OP: I thought you'd be a Friend of mine on first sight, because you look really similar to her, I was shocked for a second. D:

El Psy Congroo.

|You can't spell slaughter without laughter.|

<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 4:55am | Report
@ Wintermond: haha, same! You look like a good friend of mine (he's nearly 2 meters tall), except he has darker coloured hair, and wears it in a pony tail.

Thanks for being the first contributor!
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
Adonikam's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 6:55am | Report

Adonikam/Adon/Thomas/Tom =P

Yes this is me (about a year ago)

Xaioli wrote:
Who the hell thought it'd be a good idea to give ADONIKAM an axe... *facepalm*
Australians, the best gamers in the world combined with the worst ping.
<Retired Moderator>
Scrax's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 7:19am | Report
That axe picture.. Again.

B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 7:20am | Report
As for me: Go look at a ~16-17 year old Asian dude.


Adonikam's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 7:20am | Report
Looking fine Scrax ;P

As for me: Go look at a ~16-17 year old Asian dude.


LOL it's funny 'cause it's true
Australians, the best gamers in the world combined with the worst ping.
<Retired Moderator>
Scrax's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 7:21am | Report
Mowen said so too.

Wintermond's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 7:28am | Report
Lol Scrax you look exactly as I imagined you would, judging from your badass voice. D:

El Psy Congroo.

|You can't spell slaughter without laughter.|

AngelPixe's Forum Avatar
May 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 28, 2011 7:32am | Report
zzz I might as well post a picture :c.I dont smile for pictures lolz.Here a ****py picture of me:C.
P.s.not my room. :c
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