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OTGBionicArm wrote:
Speaking of, what happened to Vapora's girlie on mobafire?
I think they DuoQ'd for a moment and then trlcwsdfscf or whatever her name is got tired of vipora dirk losing all the time
are you serious? im plat 4 and got a completely new account to gold 1 in 30 games while she's been stuck in gold 5 for 276 games and counting, who the *** do u think was losing more u ****ing sone fo fi vtba *****h ghrphr ghasrpah;e/eya' [R GASEHP;GAER.;LGYAER'GEHP;8;YJ
DillButt64 wrote:
to everyone saying he cant get banned for making an AMA im just gonna let you know mowen said he could get banned for making another "self-pity woe is me im depressed and all of you *******S HATE ME FOR NO REASON IM A ****ING NICE GUY YOU PIECES OF ****" thread which judging by the name of the AMA and most of his comments is exactly what this is
and if this is jet or conoas or something then lol
I never called anyone *******s or pieces of **** :/ where did this come from?
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
Reo Kawamura wrote:
I didn't say I hated you or anything; I tried to help you.
Im sorry I didn't use my words properly I didn't mean it to literally means EVERYONE Reo I am sorry
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
No for that he should really go here. Seriously it's a fun forum, although I didn't know why anyone thought it was a good idea.
Not sure if thats the best Forum but i get what you are saying, this is a LoL website, we don't major in psychology, im pretty sure the most depressing thing was when Vapora Dork didn't know how to ask out a girl