Bioalchemist wrote:
finished mushishi. not bad. not great. got a bit repetitive and the story doesn't progress really in the traditional sense.
Yeah, that's easily the biggest problem with the series. It just doesn't progress :/
i got a hold of a number of makoto shinkai movies. will watch those next.
Do post back :)
"I love the dirty bomb tag because i get either
a) posts about the game
b) current world affairs" - steel-sentry
a) posts about the game
b) current world affairs" - steel-sentry
Anybody know if that anime is worth watching?
The cat is soooooo cute :3
Anybody know if that anime is worth watching?
The cat is soooooo cute :3
"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
Searz wrote:
Anybody know if that anime is worth watching?
The cat is soooooo cute :3
I've heard quite good things about it. A friend of mine told me to not be fooled by the childish-like theme in terms of art and the G rating. It's pretty grown up.
Also, 3 min per episode and 52 total episodes. It's more of an animated sketch without a proper story line than a regular anime.

YayaFTW wrote:
I've heard quite good things about it. A friend of mine told me to not be fooled by the childish-like theme in terms of art and the G rating. It's pretty grown up.
Also, 3 min per episode and 52 total episodes. It's more of an animated sketch without a proper story line than a regular anime.
Ooh, that's an interesting format.
I've read a chapter of the manga and it's a similar-ish format with two sketches per page and sometimes just one.
The manga seemed kinda meh. I might look into the anime, but I'm unsure..
"We've had a few gloomy years with bad console ports, and what do we get in the light at the end of the console-tunnel? A tablet OS ported to PC." - Atlas Tasume, on Windows 8
I started watching Darker Than Black. I just finished episode 16. I didn't like the first episodes that much but I'm starting to like the series more with every minute. Don't read the descriptions of the anime because they make the anime look more cliché and dull than it is. It's one of those stories in which you get thrown right into something and get to see small pieces of the world as the story progresses. This gets accompanied with some flashbacks and a lot of questions and what-the-****-is-going-on-moments. I don't think someone would like it if he/she isn't into supernatural themes. The fights are done quite nice in my opinion, I wouldn't dare say "taking into account the age of the anime" but I guess you get the idea.
Could someone tell me if Ergo Proxy is worth the watch or not? I watched a few episodes but I'm not sure what to think of it. For some reason I have the feeling there are some deep thoughts behind it but on the other hand there are sculptures of Greek/Roman gods(I think) talking to eachother and a mere human being able to be unnoticed while there are strong indications of a power being able to control all robot-thingies(like her "assistant"). Is there some more "realistic" stuff to come?
Could someone tell me if Ergo Proxy is worth the watch or not? I watched a few episodes but I'm not sure what to think of it. For some reason I have the feeling there are some deep thoughts behind it but on the other hand there are sculptures of Greek/Roman gods(I think) talking to eachother and a mere human being able to be unnoticed while there are strong indications of a power being able to control all robot-thingies(like her "assistant"). Is there some more "realistic" stuff to come?
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Latest Legend wrote:
Could someone tell me if Ergo Proxy is worth the watch or not?
Depends on your taste. Ergo Proxy for me is a top class anime, among the best I've seen. Yet there are people who just aren't into that type of anime. If you like anime that are hard to figure out, complex anime that makes your brain overheat from the different theories and speculations you can make, then you will like Ergo Proxy. If you only like straight forward anime, then it's a safe skip for you.

I finished watching Ben-To.
It was pretty decent for a realistic action shonen. Good humor, good action scenes, interesting characters, nice art/animation and amazing soundtrack.
The plot is kinda silly and way too shonen-ish but I guess it's because they targeted teens as the main audience instead of young adults.
I give it a 7/10 as a personal rating because it was actually better than expected. I'd recommend it for people who are into short and amusing shonens, and I'd also say that it's a safe skip for any young adult here.
I'm watching FLCL. 5 mins into the first episode and I'm already seeing this among my top 10 :p
It was pretty decent for a realistic action shonen. Good humor, good action scenes, interesting characters, nice art/animation and amazing soundtrack.
The plot is kinda silly and way too shonen-ish but I guess it's because they targeted teens as the main audience instead of young adults.
I give it a 7/10 as a personal rating because it was actually better than expected. I'd recommend it for people who are into short and amusing shonens, and I'd also say that it's a safe skip for any young adult here.
I'm watching FLCL. 5 mins into the first episode and I'm already seeing this among my top 10 :p

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there is a stein's;gate movie? i will have to look into it. no doubt the plot holes exist in the series...but as i said before i don't think it completely ruins it.
i got a hold of a number of makoto shinkai movies. will watch those next.