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Werepirelord's Forum Avatar
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Jan 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 8:39am | Report
Werepirelord raises an eyebrow. "That sounds...good." He takes the required money out of his bag, more than what could've possibly fit into the satchel. "Infinity casket, please don't ask how I obtained it." He hands it over and proceeds to close his left eye. His right eye, or what is revealed by his monocle slighty glimmers in a neon-blue light as one can hear the little clicking and clacking of a miniscule clockwork.
"As far as information goes, this is all I can tell you. The object is fairly lightweight, and the inside of his mansion will probably be hot, as he prefers to grow his own bananas. There may be monkey-guards, and speculation insues about where he hides his monetary belongings. Should you decide to cumbersomely steal some from him, I'd like that."

He finishes his hot pumpkin-nut-vanilla-chocolate and leaves after reclaiming his cane and top-hat.

Tah beh, or nat tah beh. BOOM! Nat tah beh.
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 8:48am | Report
Ichi sprinted to the emtpy spot Werepirelord left behined and quickly introduced herself to GMD as
'Ichi, the great escapee. The man that cannot be caught' - that's what she wanted to.
But as she is right now, she can't use this widely known title.
''Hello, I happaned to overhear your conversation, and as a fellow pro at achieving items, I can help you escape.
How 'bout it, wanna partner up? I'd only cost you 25% of the reward you just got!''.

Eagerly, she looked into GMD's eyes, not knowing what her new charm as a cute girl was...
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 8:50am | Report
Nameless scanned the room again, now searching for the mind of the one she now knew was tailing her. The surge of emotions she felt was nearly enough to send her mind reeling.

"Maybe I shouldn't have had that drink after all," she mused "it's making it impossible to concentrate."

She lifted the small creature from the floor and gave it a hard glare, twirling a knife absentmindedly in her other hand.

"Do you want to come with me, Flux?" she whispered intensely "Is that why you haven't gone back to Xalphinellus yet?"

The creature made no reply that anyone in the vicinity could hear, but after a moment Nameless set it down. The small creature concentrated and suddenly its form changed into that of a thin red-haired man with nearly white skin. He smoothed his long elegant blue robes hastily and then took a seat beside her at the bar, ordering a shot of tequila in a deep rasping voice that didn't seem to fit his appearance.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 9:13am | Report
Billy stormed mansions doors open. "BANANA BANANA! They know! They know!"
"Calm down Billy, I was aware, I activated protocol 54"
"54? But thats madness"
"No it is not, go to your post, bring Erdar with you, you could use some extra manpower. I will hide the bag well, do not worry"
"But... but..."
"No buts! Go!"

They will never take the bag, NEVER. Banana took the bag, ran to the elevator and entered a secret code. The elevator went down, and down and down until he finally arrived in the dungeons. Minions were lined up waiting for Bananas orders. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!", Banana yelled, "PROTOCOL 54 HAS BEEN ACTIVATED! Squad 5-6-7 go defend your posts, squad 3-4 scout the roads!"
"What about us me lord?" Said Captain 1
"You will attack the tavern! Grab your weapons! THIS IS WAR!"
The minions yelled with exitement and started running around armoring themselves up and grabbing weapons.

Now, try to get my bag now, Werepirelord...

Banana continued to walk dramatically towards a diamond vault...
Change is gooooood
Picture by: MrMad2000

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Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 2:51pm | Report
"where the heck are those fine ladies!?!?!?!"

Sig made by Hogopogo
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 11:35pm | Report
GMD pauses a moment, probably to see if the man he spoke to was actually telling the truth. Word was that GMD was a human polygraph but, as with many of the stories, no one is willing to verify them. "Those will be my problems now, won't they? I'm sure this won't prove much of a challenge." In one quick motion, GMD fininishes his drink, stands up and makes his way to the exit. Before he leaves, however, he turns to Ichi, who seemed glad he acknowledged her existence. "How about you prove to me what service you can offer, then we'll talk about your pay." GMD says. He then exists the tavern, giving both the bartender and Werepirelord a quick look...
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2013 8:00am | Report
Baffled Ichi thought about GMD's statement. For a splitsecond she thought about giving up, but Ichi was really in need of some money.

But how should she prove to be the best at escaping? Cleary she needed to show him personally, so he would know the feeling of despair while chasing after her by himself.
Ichi came up with a plan to prove her skills. She would run past him, steal something and show him her skills.

The plan was set, she stood up and ran at him, but Ichi forgot that she is now a woman. The difference in her phsyical abilites differed too much from how Ichi was used to. She stumbled, grabbed GMD's shoulder and fell down right in front of him.

Ember***ed, Ichi didn't know what to do and just splurted ''Ehehehe... I guess, this wasn't convincing at all? But please, I will do absolutely anything to get a tiny share of your reward! Just please, let me help!''
Werepirelord's Forum Avatar
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Jan 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2013 9:35am | Report
Werpirelord allows himself a slight grin, seeing his disguise was not blown off by a distressed banana.

He takes off his gloves as he carries the limpless body of Erdar into the pile of what remains of unit one.


"I understand, Teekl, but we really cannot allow anything to go wrong, even if that means that I have to get my hands a little dirty."

See you later, armadillos! Unless I see you first!
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2013 9:50am | Report
GMD turns around and looked upon the, seemingly desperate, girl. GMD sighs as he seemed to have made a decision. "Fine go to this mansion, inside you will find an object of value to my client: a purple-yellow bag. Aquire it and deliver it. Once that's done, we shall talk about future work." he says calmly. He then takes the street on the right and before he vanishes in the shadows he says "Do not screw this up!".
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2013 10:08am | Report
Silence.... Banana just came out of the vault, and thought by himself, is this really worth all this trouble? Charles just called, he told Banana Erdar died, the most loyal bodyguard anyone could ever want. Banana sat down, on the dungeons ground. What am I supposed to do? Werepirelord is coming, probably with some buddies, I can't just beat them without losing any more men.

Unless.... THATS RIGHT! Banana ran to the weapons chamber and opened his personal arsenal. No gun, no pistol, no bow... No that was all inferior to the almighty hammer of Blitz! Crafted from the best Ramm Stein of Germany! Banana put the plug of the blitzhammer in his own body and thunder danced around his hammer.

You wait and see Werepirelord, I will not be the one that is going to get splashed today!
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
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