Janna guide | Thanks @ The_Nameless_Bard for the sig! :D
Mentioning this here since some people might otherwise miss that thread, please head over to that thread if you want to leave your thoughts :-)
Matt wrote:
So if you (and anyone else reading this thread) could dictate your personal toplist of things that would be changed/improved/added to on MF, what would they be (in order of importance)? We're discussing a potential roadmap for MF so this is a good chance to sway our plans :)
Mentioning this here since some people might otherwise miss that thread, please head over to that thread if you want to leave your thoughts :-)
Vapora Dark wrote:
God bless my cancerous stream chat for reminding me that this song exists.
I want this played at my funeral

Janna guide | Thanks @ jhoijhoi for the sig! :D
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