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Creator: Quite Nomible September 8, 2014 12:34pm
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Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2014 12:34pm | Report
I wonder if any of you still play RuneScape. It's quite old already but somehow I can't seem to quit this game for whatever reason, I guess it's just that kind of game for me from my childhood which I will never get bored from. Currently making my road to the Completionist Cape, which is relatively very hard to get ingame (it takes a lot of time, that's for sure!).

I know there might still be some hate around towards the game but I hope we won't get that on the topic, it's just a game after all.
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Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2014 12:50pm | Report

I know there might still be some hate around towards the game but I hope we won't get that on the topic, it's just a game after all.

Tell me more about that, what's up with runescape?(didnt know the game till now)
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Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2014 1:05pm | Report
omg runescape omg much hate very runescape

I actually wanted to pick it up again after the HTML5 version came out but it took so long(like sooooooo long, and then the beta was members only) I lost interest. I might play it for the nostalgia when I have too much time on my hands though.
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Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2014 11:28pm | Report
omg runescape omg much hate very runescape

I actually wanted to pick it up again after the HTML5 version came out but it took so long(like sooooooo long, and then the beta was members only) I lost interest. I might play it for the nostalgia when I have too much time on my hands though.

They did one awesome update for getting membership: you can buy it now with ingame GP by buying an item called 'Bond' (about 6m each). One bond is equal to 2 weeks of runescape membership, which basically means you can be member at no costs :).
The HTML5 version is still very glitchy from what I've experienced. Might be because I was unlucky but I couldn't even complete an agility course due to a bug when climbing stairs.
ah, so that's how randomizing signatures works.
Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2014 11:39pm | Report

Tell me more about that, what's up with runescape?(didnt know the game till now)

Some people just make jokes about RuneScape because they don't like the game or are "too old" for it, and use it to ridicule other people with as well. It used to be pretty common at some point.
nog even kort samengevat: een lampje is voor dove mensen, een ratelapparaat voor blinden. het mooiste is natuurlijk een combinatie van beide: een lampje met een ratelapparaat, voor het geval er iemand langskomt die blind én doof is.
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2014 8:14am | Report

They did one awesome update for getting membership: you can buy it now with ingame GP by buying an item called 'Bond' (about 6m each). One bond is equal to 2 weeks of runescape membership, which basically means you can be member at no costs :).
The HTML5 version is still very glitchy from what I've experienced. Might be because I was unlucky but I couldn't even complete an agility course due to a bug when climbing stairs.
That's awesome indeed. Time to waste some time!

Thanks for the warning, I'll see if I have more luck.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Out Of Pancakes
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Sep 14th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2014 8:53am | Report
RuneScape was the first online game I ever played. I quit when they made EoC, I really loved the old-school side. And the quests (but I've done all of the f2p's one). RS's quests are the best quests ever. You won't find something better in any other MMORPG.

I mostly played in f2p, and since I lost most of my interest for the game, I don't wanna use bonds.
What I loved in RS was the Fist of Guthix minigame in f2p. I spent holidays at this minigame, playing with friends and learning how to abuse the houses and animations.
Good old days...

But I still like Dung rushes. EoC made them even easier. But since school has started again, I don't think that I'll have spend a lot of time on it, if any.

Good luck for your Comp cape (the emote is sooooo awesome)!
Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2014 11:12am | Report
Ah yes, Fist of Guthix... I didn't play anything else when I was still a pure f2p, definitely one of the best minigames ever created. Good old days indeed ^^
ah, so that's how randomizing signatures works.
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2014 12:53pm | Report
Ah yes, Fist of Guthix... I didn't play anything else when I was still a pure f2p, definitely one of the best minigames ever created. Good old days indeed ^^

OH how I miss playing Fist of Guthix.
Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2014 12:27am | Report
You can still play it, but yeah... a lot of things changed with the combat system, so it doesn't really feel like the same old minigame.
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