My Comprehensive Guide to Blitzcrank:***-blitzcrank-168987 <3
Eo=Eo ut mortus=Nighthawk=xRainbowDash
Ninja'd by Brad....

Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
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What the hell, man. Keep your lying self out of our chats. D:
EDIT: Fine, I'll give a longer explanation, since some people seem to hate me being succinct. >_>
We were all getting somewhat tired and debating whether or not to play another game. Rainbow tells us that he needs to go to sleep. Vavena asks why he's going to bed so early. He tells us, "I have school in the morning."
My immediate response is, "Wait, what? Today's Saturday. Where the hell do you go that you have school on Sunday?"
Much mocking was had, and it was immediately determined that Rainbow is not only a horrible liar on the forums, but a terrible liar in voice chat as well.
Thank you. :)
(And ignore Vavena. I don't even know what Eo is, but don't rep her for squat. :P )