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Brand and low magic damage dealt

Creator: Vino Lamar September 17, 2020 1:50am
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Vino Lamar
Vino Lamar's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2020 1:50am | Report
I love playing with Brand and I see the youtubes of him killing with other people but for some reason I always have the lowest magic damage against a champ and total damage to champions. I dunno what the problem is. I copy the builds i see people getting kills with. Anyone have any suggestions on what i might try to change that? I'm talking about having the lowest magic attack on both teams..
Vino Lamar
Vino Lamar's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 18, 2020 10:41pm | Report
most games as a support my:
Magic dmg to champs is: 8k-11k range
magic dmg dealt : 20-27k
And I cast a lot. my items i usually use are: dorans ring, ludens echo, liandry's torment, sorcerers boots, rylai's crystal scepter, and like a void staff. it rarely gets to the 6th item. i usually try to build up my ap to do dmg. should i try any items to improve that dmg?

Or is that typical for the dmg that brand does?
<Lissandra Master>
Katasandra's Forum Avatar
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Aug 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 18, 2020 11:30pm | Report
Hey hey,
It's hard to say whether the amount of damage you put there is low or high, Your damage to champs can vary a lot depending on whether you won/lost lane, whether you are hitting tanks, how long the game lasts etc etc. However, in my experience Brand supports tend to do the same damage (or more) as the ADC.

I am a bit confused by your items, you say you play him support. What is the Doran's Ring for? Spellthief's Edge sounds like better idea. I would also avoid building Luden's Tempest. It doesn't look like it is build that often on support Brand and isn't that good to build as a support anyway. A more common build seems to contain the following items: Liandry's Torment, Sorcerer's Shoes, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Void Staff and Zhonya's Hourglass.

That's just items though, what runes do you run?
Vino Lamar
Vino Lamar's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2020 8:53am | Report
when i respond back it says i can't because my text is blacklisted. is it because when i talk about the items i don't use the icons? i don't know how to.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2020 10:06am | Report
Vino Lamar wrote:
when i respond back it says i can't because my text is blacklisted. is it because when i talk about the items i don't use the icons? i don't know how to.

There is likely a blacklisted word or a blacklisted link in your post. Could you provide a screenshot of the text (using service like for example) of what you were typing out?

But other than that, Brand scales extremely well with modifiers rather than pure AP. This means that items that grant magic penetration or effects that scale off of ticking DoT spells are strong. These items are Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Torment (that deals more damage with Rylai's Crystal Scepter) and Oblivion Orb.

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Vino Lamar
Vino Lamar's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2020 1:51pm | Report
I only used dorans for a few games, but i do use the spellthiefs. i tried dorans but realized it's more suited for brand if he played mid since he's solo'ing it. now don't get me wrong i do good with brand. i have a game today where i was 8-4-4 and i've only played 3 games thus far. but that build on that was soccerer's boots, ludens echo (for the cdr from 10s to 7s), and was working on my 3rd item before they left. but usually do liandrys as well and rylais. I wanna get my basic attack to get stronger cuz it does virtually no dmg to the minions. i feel like it's at lvl 1 basic dmg the whole game. I want to improve that. and how do you use those icons for the items? cuz i can be good with 200 ap and maybe 200 dmg? or is there a way to do crazy ap dmg with brand? like veigar can do some crazy ap dmg. i've played against him many times.
Vino Lamar
Vino Lamar's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2020 1:54pm | Report
that last message about the dorans ring i couldn't post it earlier because it said the blacklisted text. i dunno why it let me post it now. i didn't change anything. i copied it and pasted it and now it's letting me say it. but that's the original reply to Katasandra's post.
<Lissandra Master>
Katasandra's Forum Avatar
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Aug 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 21, 2020 12:13am | Report
You can get the icons by putting [[ and ]] around the word (like [[doran's ring]] --> Doran's Ring).

First: stronger basic attacks.
There is of course a way to make your basic attacks do more damage (build AD), however doing so is not a good idea. Mages simply scale much better with AP (because all their spells have AP scalings and no AD scalings). If you were to build AD you would make your life much harder because you'd do way less damage to champions compared to if you build an AP item instead. So there is not really a (viable) way of making your autoattacks stronger on mages.

Second: Comparing Brand with Veigar. This actually is not a fair comparison because of these two things:
  • Veigar is focused around single-target damage whereas Brand is focused on AoE damage
  • Veigar has much higher AP ratios than Brand
You may feel like Veigar does crazy damage (e.g. he oneshots people). But Brand has the ability to chunk an entire team. Although this isn't a oneshot, it is still a crazy amount of damage! It just does not feel as impactful as if you were to oneshot someone (I know the feeling as a Liss main :( )
The AP ratio's is actually the reason why Brand itemizes different from Veigar. Because Veigar has high AP ratio's he wants to build pure AP. But Brand with his not-so-high AP ratio's focuses more on items that amplify existing effects and magic penetration items.
Vino Lamar
Vino Lamar's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2020 10:20am | Report
Also is the support supposed to rank up the slowest? i've just been noticing the last few games now that i'm finally lvl 30 and our now ranked. i'll be lvl 10 while the rest of the champs are lvl 13-14 and 15. i eventually catch up to lvl 14 while they are at lvl 16 and etc. but i was sitting here thinking it was me and now i'm looking at other supports on the other teams and noticing that it's the same thing. while i'm naturally a adc who turned support cuz of the stuns and i still play the support like an adc which is why some games i'd have the highest amount of kills, but other games i am doing the lowest dmg to champs while others i'm the highest. just trying to find some consistency. the items i play around with are Spellthief's Edge, Sorcerer's Shoes, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Liandry's Torment, Void Staff, Luden's Tempest and if i get that far then Morellonomicon and not in no specific order with those items. altho shoes come first and then either rylai or liandry's next.
<Lissandra Master>
Katasandra's Forum Avatar
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Aug 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2020 12:12am | Report
Yes, the support usually has the lowest level in the game. When trying to find consistency you have to look at your own gameplay and ask yourself: why did I do well here? (or: why did this go wrong?) If you just randomly play games without knowing what leads you to success (or what leads you to demise) you will never be consistent.
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