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Creator: 1jamie50 June 22, 2013 10:29am
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2013 5:51pm | Report
Mooninites wrote:

In regards to Ezreal scaling is not the same as utility. Yes Ezreal has good poke and unrivaled kite potential, but his actually damage and scaling (late game) is atrocious, especially blue build.

Sure it is. If champion A's late game has low DPS but really good poke and utility and champion B's lategame has low DPS, bad poke and utility than champion A outscales champion B.

Mooninites wrote:

Graves has high ad scalings sure, but how well do those translate on an 8 second cooldown Q and an 80 second cooldown ultimate. Those can each be used once a fight? Graves absolutely sucks at killing tanks, to do so he pretty much has to build into Blade of the Ruined King which takes away from his good scaling. Graves also has extremely short range. I'm not saying graves is bad, but his late game is as bad, maybe even worse, than corki's

Why even consider draven's AS buff. It's hardly even an aspect of his kit and is more often used for movement speed to catch the axes than the actual attack speed. Sure draven has good scaling and good damage, but how does that actually perform in a team fight? if he's unable to catch his axes, he's garbage. almost forgot how bad his ultimate is late game too

I'm not saying that Graves or Draven are hypercarries either, but Corki sets the bar pretty damn low.

Comparing Corki to Graves, Corki's Q is also on an 8 second cooldown but it has less range, does not scale with AD and deals magic damage. His R obviously has a much better CD than Graves' but it also deals practically zero damage by late game. The only thing I can think of that Corki does better late game is his range, but I feel like Graves more than makes up for that with the broken-ness of his W and the 70% AS buff on his E.

I agree about Draven, he can be pretty awful later in the game if he's prevented from using axes. But on the other hand, his damage is fairly high if he does get away with it whereas Corki's is always sucky because he has no scalings and his abilities are all magic damage.
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