Why not Nasus with anyone? :P I don't see what special synergy Renekton is meant to have in lane with Nasus that anyone else wouldn't have. Renekton is an aggressive laner while Nasus is a passive farmer, so if anything it would be counter-productive to have both of them on the same lane.
Lol I actually like this change. Vulnerability to early jungle ganks are one of both Talon and Swain's biggest cons, especially Swain. Likewise for Swain, if I don't have a jungler, there's no one to decide they'd rather have the blue instead of me. And with the enemy team having no jungler, the chances of the enemy team actually stealing the blue are very slim. That's 2 of Swain's biggest cons gone overnight. Inb4 Swain tier 1.
Viva la duo-top-olution!
Viva la duo-top-olution!
Metachanges aren't bad, just ****ing up the game is stupid.
Anyway, why did you make this thread? Just to piss people off, to create a pointless argument? I mean creating a thread to suggest one specific top lane combo with a specific item people are already with various top lane combos.
Anyway, why did you make this thread? Just to piss people off, to create a pointless argument? I mean creating a thread to suggest one specific top lane combo with a specific item people are already with various top lane combos.
Vapora Dark wrote:
Lol I actually like this change. Vulnerability to early jungle ganks are one of both Talon and Swain's biggest cons, especially Swain. Likewise for Swain, if I don't have a jungler, there's no one to decide they'd rather have the blue instead of me. And with the enemy team having no jungler, the chances of the enemy team actually stealing the blue are very slim. That's 2 of Swain's biggest cons gone overnight. Inb4 Swain tier 1.
Viva la duo-top-olution!
Both Swain and Talon will not be able to lane mid anymore as they will be dominated by the high waveclear champs such as Lissandra, Zed, Ziggs, etc.
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taking support masteries for renekton to let nasus last hit except for targon.
what do you think?