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Hybrid MF in Mid: Awesome Pubstomper

Creator: alyzar October 23, 2011 11:02pm
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alyzar's Forum Avatar
Jan 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 30, 2011 7:30pm | Report
Darcurse wrote:

Is it only me or does "hybrid" normally indicate sth like "mixing TWO things" ?
If SotO is deducted your only "hybrid"-item is Rageblade: 35AD + AS.......... hybrid....

She is a hybrid because she mixes AD and AP.


Why sth like SotO doesnt count?
Snowball item, you cant stack em you cant use em.
(100% going for snowball every game? Either youre clearly winning/dominating every game (not) or sths wrong with you)

I don't need to be dominating to get 9/10 stacks on both of them if I'm super careful.


For example: You arent mentioning sth like ppl getting close to you (or using ranged attacks) even with perfect positioning since youre wasting 2 slots on snowball there isnt space to get some utility or sth that keeps you alife. Try keeping those stacks of yours with some Jax/Akali/Talon/Shaco/... instant kill you in one leap.

Yeah I usually position myself near a wall so that if they leap on me I can just flash over the wall or use rain of fire and ghost away. On top of that, I only need to survive long enough to use rain of fire and my ultimate and I've done my job. On top of that, that is what support characters and focus fire is for. If akali can jump behind enemy lines and attack you and you die because your team isn't helping you, that applies to every single carry. If your team turns around and wrecks that akali/jax/talon/shaco, oh well they've done absolutely nothing and you're still alive. Of course assassins are an issue for her but that doesn't mean that they hard counter her if you position yourself properly and play safely.


Nothing against your "AD"(AP) caster, whos trying to land skills instead of autohits.
But labeling it hybrid is waaaay off.
Moreover: You mentioned Hextech but totally skip it. Not even mentioning why you wouldnt take it.

But she IS a hybrid? You're the only one who thinks that she isn't?
I'm pretty sure the only thing I said about Hextech was that it was nerfed so hard that it simply isn't cost effective anymore and that the spellvamp / lifesteal won't even remotely help you in a teamfight.
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 30, 2011 8:52pm | Report
Snowball with around 10 stacks is nice and cheap, but nothing that gets you thorugh a game and btw 10 stacks indicates that you fight at least on even ground with the enemy.
"On top of that, I only need to survive long enough to use rain of fire and my ultimate and I've done my job."
"I don't need to be dominating to get 9/10 stacks on both of them if I'm super careful."
Fiddle me timbers, matys! We got us an huge ol paradox there!

Ofc you can hope to hit everyone in a 5vs5 gank, going down, losing 1/3 and getting 5 back, letting you stay on average ~12 stacks.
But there so many things going against that, that I´ll just sum it up in "What if youre OPTIMAL case isnt going to happen?"
Youll end up with 2 wasted item slots/ ~2,600 wasted gold/ and if youre lucky around 35AD and 60Ap.

Hextech: Dunno didnt see it in the guide.
Hybrid: Like i said Rageblade alone doesnt make her hybrid.
And remodeling an AD champ by stuffing him with AP doesnt make it hybrid either...
Instead of saying "hey guys im hybrid" youre better off going full AP. (Not saying that it works but seeing your built, there shouldnt be a difference)
Moreover, Rageblade seems pretty wasted, since hearing you talking about your playstyle and all, I got the impression that the only thing that stacks Rageblade would be your spells.

Not playing MF/Or testing this myself, but just an advice:

-Skip that "hybrid"
-Switch out Rageblade/ SotO/ Mejai (IF your game goes awesome, you can think of getting Mejai ofc)
-Instead get yourself some sustainability: Rylai´s e.g. (Zhonya/Abyssal dunno about them, you shouldnt stop or get too close)
-Sth with Mana should be included as well and since CDR isnt wrong if you try to rely on CD where you arent supposed to: Morello for example. Only getting Sheen early as Mana supply, dunno if thats nuff, but seeing that your Mana/Reg is worse than GPs while you´ll rely far more on spells which are also Mana costlier, doesnt seem good to me.

-Rabadon/Lich Bane become must have sooner or later (Lich sooner Rabadon early if you got one hell of a start, maybe Mejai also shouldnt be a situational choice after all)
alyzar's Forum Avatar
Jan 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 30, 2011 9:33pm | Report
My build is better if you actually know what you are doing. I'm not going to argue semantics with you on what is or isn't a hybrid. If you don't want to call her Hybrid Miss Fortune, then don't, but I am going to continue to do that regardless. :D
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 30, 2011 9:38pm | Report
alyzar wrote:

My build is better if you actually know what you are doing. I'm not going to argue semantics with you on what is or isn't a hybrid. If you don't want to call her Hybrid Miss Fortune, then don't, but I am going to continue to do that regardless. :D

Okok i see then, no point in arguing.
Should have known since you already started defending your "snowball a must" position.
Ignorance is a bliss, indeed.
alyzar's Forum Avatar
Jan 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2011 1:05am | Report
Have you even played my build or are you spewing nonsense in broken English for the fun of it? o_o :F
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2011 6:26am | Report
I give that my englisch isnt all goody since I´m missing some daily routine.
(In fact, couldnt care less typing at forums/chats ASO)
But if you resort going "that way" youre already down the gutter regarding your "argumentation".

And for the part that does make sense:
Never said that playing her "hybrid" or full AP is not legit.
And dunno about you, but I dont need playing your build to be sure that Snowball items arent meant for core-build.
Also dont need to play your built to know that it isnt hybrid.
If you think that "playing" hybrid makes her hybrid using your built, youre also in the wrong there.
Even if youre playstyle´s hybrid your built doesnt support you doing so, in fact youre risking your neck getting closer than you should with those measly autohits of yours.

And, yeah, it does make fun in some way.
alyzar's Forum Avatar
Jan 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2011 9:21am | Report
You're obviously going off on a tangent and you continue to say the same things over and over in different ways (despite some of what you say being difficult to comprehend from my perspective :/). I don't care if you think she isn't a hybrid. You shouldn't be auto attacking a lot in the first place. I think that you're either misunderstanding what the word "hybrid" means, or you're just mad I didn't build infinity edge. You obviously haven't tried my build and you aren't adding anything constructive to the thread so I'm going to ignore you from here on out.
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2011 12:33pm | Report
Yep maybe i dont grasp your idea of "hybrid". Doesnt mean youre right and I´m wrong, buddy.
Enough construction done, if you tend to ignore it: "Ignorance is a bliss".

Since everybody mentioned it to you and I´m the one trying to talk, I´ll just skip it. Someone whos getting personal the moment he gots cornered isnt worth talking to anyway.
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