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Let's discuss tryndamere

Creator: drunken0elf September 1, 2012 8:57am

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DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 11:19am | Report saying that your build is the best build yet its only used...1% of the time...was your point to prove yourself wrong?
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
Keltocdragon's Forum Avatar
Sep 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 11:52am | Report
Lol m y build as far as I know has never been used in rank.

Just talking about Tiamat in general, used in games.
Haven't figured out how to look up the stats used on Tryndamere because he's not in the most popular champions filter for Tiamat.

Tryndamere is one of the least popular champions in platinum rank, having around 1000 games or so. Still not the least used thou,
lifebaka's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 12:39pm | Report

Lol that was my point dil.

I looked at the stats of Tiamat, it's built 1% of the time, but it's average of game's and wins is higher than infinity's edge and trinity force. But they have higher game percentage's than Tiamat, so on a statistical stand point their better. Based on games and what not.
However if you look at the champion's who build the item the percentage of game's won is rather ridiculous. even in ranked platinum NA.

Lol BloodThirster 10% build rate 79% win rate hilarious.

I... Don't think you understand those statistics.

Low build numbers mean that its win-loss numbers are somewhat less than reliable. And I can only think of two situations where Tiamat would be built: First, by people who don't realize that the item is rarely, if ever, good. Second, by people who are winning so hard it doesn't matter what they build. The presence of the second scenario is likely to artificially inflate Tiamat's win-loss numbers, regardless of how the first scenario plays out.

I'm not even sure what you're trying to say with your reference to BT's build and win-loss numbers. For now I'm assuming it's a meaningless tangent.

Tryndamere is one of the least popular champions in platinum rank, having around 1000 games or so. Still not the least used thou,

Tryn, while having hugely fatal flaws, can be used properly. Other champions who are likely to be used less are worse than him, such as Karma. The presence of champions who are used less at platinum Elo does mean that Tryn is probably better than these champions, but does not mean that Tryn's status is anything even vaguely resembling good. The fact remains that may other champions perform better than him.

I'm not even going to discuss the idea of Tiamat on Tryndamere. If you can't see why it's not good, which should be fairly obvious, I doubt we'll be able to convince you.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.

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Keltocdragon's Forum Avatar
Sep 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 2:02pm | Report
15 from the least popular champs, karma being the least used followed closely by sejuani.
The BT stat is from Tryndamere's popular items, I merely saw the ratio and found it hilarious.

many of the item's are built less tham 2% of games. The exception being Legendary Tier items averaging 10-15% build rate.

So which stats were you talking about?
The champion percentages of build and win or what? Can't answer accurately if I am not sure which one.
drunken0elf's Forum Avatar
Dec 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 2:05pm | Report
It happened one one occasion that my team comp allowed me to use tryndamere. One single occasion. I used him in teh jungle, did decent, but we lost. Why? Cause we lost. Simple as that. My team had enough cc and tankiness to allow me to come into the fight s a bit later and mop up. Thing that never happened since our lanes were lost even though I ganked properly, got kills and got some assists. If I would of been any other character, we would of lost either way.

I have enough tryn experience to know he ain't worth using in ranked unless he's got one mighty team comp for him and I have enough tryn experience to know that he's not worth maining, thus why I don't play him very often.

One thing is sure though, I have high hopes for his remake. Hopefully, melee ad carries will no longer exist and will be branched into ad bruisers or ad assassins relying on skilsl rather then auto attacks.

Thanks to Amazing Monkey for the sig. Just like his name, he's amazing
Keltocdragon's Forum Avatar
Sep 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 3:37pm | Report
Lol wasn't talking about your stat's Oelf

As for a remake, his passive would have to go entirely and pretty much all of his skill's since all but one are utility, and even the one skill that does damage is used more for utility than actually damaging enemy champs.

Other option is to make him ranged and call him Ashe 2.0 which isn't that far off actually.

Thou he is referred to as a brusier on that sight, first time I have seen that
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 3:47pm | Report
There isn't much to talk about tryn tbh. Early AD/ARP runes, try to crit and fb lane and snowball, if you don't you lose.

Standard build = zerker greaves ie pd lw bt ga/qss
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 5:21pm | Report
Attack speed or ArP should actually be more beneficial. More attacks over less time means bloodlust builds quickly, then of course the more often you attack the more chances to crit.
Keltocdragon's Forum Avatar
Sep 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 5:49pm | Report
You don't have to snowball like mad to win as long as you can build decently and wait for a team fight and back door like a mad man xD
Kinda of a biz notch to pull off thou.
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2012 6:06pm | Report
I experimented with AS and its alright, I'd rather get ARP though since you dont finish LW for a while, which is where the ARP carries you through. AD just because last hitting.

If you don't snowball as tryn you don't have a good lategame generally.

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